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Aide de Scilab >> CACSD (Computer Aided Control Systems Design) > lft


linear fractional transformation

Calling Sequence




linear system (syslin list), the ``augmented'' plant, implicitly partitioned into four blocks (two input ports and two output ports).


linear system (syslin list), the controller (possibly an ordinary gain).


1x2 row vector, dimension of P22


linear system (syslin list), implicitly partitioned into four blocks (two input ports and two output ports).


1x2 row vector, dimension of Ps22


Linear fractional transform between two standard plants P and Ps in state space form or in transfer form (syslin lists).

r= size(P22) rs=size(P22s)

lft(P,r, K) is the linear fractional transform between P and a controller K (K may be a gain or a controller in state space form or in transfer form);

lft(P,K) is lft(P,r,K) with r=size of K transpose;

P1= P11+P12*K* (I-P22*K)^-1 *P21

[P1,r1]=lft(P,r,Ps,rs) returns the generalized (2 ports) lft of P and Ps.

P1 is the pair two-port interconnected plant and the partition of P1 into 4 blocks in given by r1 which is the dimension of the 22 block of P1.

P and R can be PSSDs i.e. may admit a polynomial D matrix.


P=[1/s, 1/(s+1); 1/(s+2),2/s]; K= 1/(s-1);
P(1,1)+P(1,2)*K*inv(1-P(2,2)*K)*P(2,1)   //Numerically dangerous!
f=[0,0;0,1];w=P/.f; w(1,1)
//Improper plant (PID control)
lft(W,[1,1],K); ss2tf(lft(tf2ss(W),[1,1],tf2ss(K)))

See Also

  • sensi — sensitivity functions
  • augment — augmented plant
  • feedback — feedback operation
  • sysdiag — Create a block diagonal matrix from provided inputs or block diagonal system connection
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Last updated:
Fri Apr 11 14:14:53 CEST 2014