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Ajuda Scilab >> Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída

Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída

  • chdirmuda o diretório corrente do Scilab
  • fileinfoFornece informações sobre um arquivo
  • get_absolute_file_pathfornece o nome de endereço absoluto de um arquivo aberto no Scilab
  • getrelativefilenamedado um nome de diretório absoluto e um nome de arquivo relativo, retorna um nome de arquivo relativo.
  • newestretorna o arquivo mais novo de um conjunto de arquivos
  • sscanfconverte entrada formatada fornecida por um string
  • basenamestrip directory and suffix from filenames
  • copyfileCopy file
  • createdirMake new directory
  • deletefiledelete a file
  • dirget file list
  • dirnameget directory from filenames
  • dispfilesdisplay opened files properties
  • fileextreturns extension for a file path
  • filepartsreturns the path, filename and extension for a file path
  • filesepreturns directory separator for current platform
  • findfilesFinding all files with a given filespec
  • fprintfEmulator of C language fprintf function
  • fprintfMatWrite a matrix in a file.
  • fscanfConverts formatted input read on a file
  • fscanfMatReads a Matrix from a text file.
  • fullfileBuild a full filename from parts
  • fullpathCreates an full path name for the specified relative path name.
  • getdrivesGet the drive letters of all mounted filesystems on the computer.
  • getlongpathnameget long path name (Only for Windows)
  • getshortpathnameget short path name (Only for Windows)
  • percentiovariable returns standard input and standard output (file descriptor).
  • isdirchecks if argument is a directory path
  • isfilechecks if argument is a file
  • listfileslist files
  • listvarinfilelist the contents of a saved data file
  • lsshow files
  • maxfilessets the limit for the number of files a scilab is allowed to have open simultaneously.
  • mclearerrreset binary file access errors
  • mcloseclose an opened file
  • mdeleteDelete file(s)
  • meofcheck if end of file has been reached
  • merrortests the file access errors indicator
  • mfprintfconverts, formats, and writes data to a file
  • mfscanfreads its input from the character string (interface to the C sscanf function)
  • mgetreads byte or word in a given binary format return an int type
  • mgetlread lines from an text file
  • mgetstrread a character string from a file
  • mkdirMake new directory
  • mopenopen a file
  • movefileMove file or directory
  • mputwrites byte or word in a given binary format
  • mputlwrites strings in an ascii file
  • mputstrwrite a character string in a file
  • mseekset current position in binary file.
  • mtellbinary file management
  • pathconvertpathnames convertion between POSIX and windows.
  • pathsepreturns path separator for current platform
  • pwdget Scilab current directory
  • removedirRemove a directory
  • rmdirRemove a directory
  • save_formatformat of files produced by "save"
  • scanfConverts formatted input on standard input
  • scanf_conversionscanf, sscanf, fscanf conversion specifications
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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu May 12 11:45:25 CEST 2011