Airy functions of the first and second kind, and their derivatives
a = airy(z) a = airy(fun, z) a = airy(fun, z, scaled)
- z
- array of decimal or complex numbers of any size, from scalr to hypermatrix.
- fun
- Selected Airy function to evaluate. It can be either a string among
"Ai" "dAi" "Bi" "dBi", or an equivalent integer in [0, 3] (for compatibility
with Octave and Julia)
fun Description 0 "Ai" Airy function of the first kind (default) 1 "dAi" Derivative Ai' of Ai 2 "Bi" Airy function of the second kind 3 "dBi" Derivative Bi' of Bi - scaled
- Single boolean or integer 0|1. Default %F. When
is %T or set to 1, the raw result is scaled by the following factors before being returned:Ai, dAi : Bi, dBi :
For a real x variable, the Airy functions of the first and second kind -- respectively Ai(x) and Bi(x) -- are independent real solutions y(x) of the Airy differential equation y'' = x.y. They are defined as the convergent integrals

![Bi(x) = 1/π \int_0^∞ [sin(t^3/3 + xt) + exp(-t^3/3 + xt)] dt](/docs/2024.1.0/ja_JP/_LaTeX_airy.xml_4.png)
These definitions can be extended to the complex plane, for any z complex variable, as

Let us note the properties

In Scilab, Ai, Bi, and their first derivative are computed through Bessel and gamma functions.
With real numbers
x = -10:0.05:3; clf drawlater subplot(2,1,1) // Ai, Bi plot(x, airy(x), "b", x, airy(2,x), "r") gca().margins(4) = 0.08; gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-0.5 1.25]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) legend(["Ai(x)" "Bi(x)"],"in_upper_left") title("Airy functions", "fontsize", 3) subplot(2,1,2) // Derivatives plot(x, airy(1, x), "b", x, airy(3,x), "r") legend(["Ai''(x)" "Bi''(x)"],"in_upper_left") xlabel("x", "fontsize", 3) gca().margins(3) = 0.08; gca().x_location = "top"; gca().x_ticks.labels = emptystr(gca().x_ticks.labels); gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-1 2.5]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) drawnow

With scaling
x = -10:0.05:3; clf drawlater subplot(2,1,1) // Ai, Ai scaled plot(x, airy("Ai",x), x, airy("Ai",x, %t), "color", ["blue" "cyan"]) gca().margins(4) = 0.08; gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-0.5 1]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) legend(["Ai(x)" "Ai(x) scaled"],"in_upper_left") title("Airy functions raw vs scaled", "fontsize", 3) subplot(2,1,2) // Bi, Bi scaled plot(x, airy("Bi", x), x, airy("Bi",x, %t), "color", ["red" "darkorange"]) legend(["Bi(x)" "Bi(x) scaled"],"in_upper_left") xlabel("x", "fontsize", 3) gca().margins(3) = 0.08; gca().x_location = "top"; gca().x_ticks.labels = emptystr(gca().x_ticks.labels); gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-0.5 1.5]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) gcf().children.children.children.thickness = 2; drawnow

With complex numbers
// Initializations x = -4.5:0.2:2.5; y = -3.5:0.2:3.5; [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y); xph = -4.5:0.05:2.5; yph = -3.5:0.05:3.5; [Xph, Yph] = meshgrid(xph, yph); clf fig = gcf(); drawlater [nc, cmin] = (100, 15); fig.color_map = [0.6 0.6 0.6; jet(nc-1)]; meshColor = 1; // grey60 will be used for the mesh color fig.axes_size = [800 600]; fr = 0.55; // |Ai| xsetech([0 0 0.5 fr]) Z = X + %i*Y; Z = airy(Z); V = abs(Z); [smin, smax] = (0, 5); surf(x, y, V) S = gce(); set(S, "color_flag",3, "color_mode",1, .. "cdata_mapping","direct", "foreground",meshColor); c =; c = cmin + (nc-cmin)*(c-smin)/(smax-smin); = c; gca().zoom_box = [min(x) min(y) max(x) max(y) smin smax]; gca().rotation_angles = [47 -60]; xtitle("", "real(z)","imag(z)", "") title("| Ai(z) |", "fontsize",3) colorbar(smin, smax, [2, nc]) // arg(Ai) xsetech([0 fr 0.5 (1-fr)]) Z = airy(Xph + %i*Yph); V = atan(imag(Z),real(Z)); grayplot(xph, yph, V.') xtitle("","real(z)", "imag(z)") title("arg( Ai(z) )", "fontsize", 3) gca().tight_limits = "on"; isoview colorbar(,,[2 nc]) title(fig.children(1), "[rad]") // |Bi| xsetech([0.50 0 0.5 fr]) Z = X + %i*Y; Z = airy(2, Z); V = abs(Z); [smin, smax] = (0, 5); surf(x, y, V) S = gce(); set(S, "color_flag",3, "color_mode",1, .. "cdata_mapping","direct", "foreground",meshColor); c =; c = cmin + (nc-cmin)*(c-smin)/(smax-smin); = c; gca().zoom_box = [min(x) min(y) max(x) max(y) smin smax]; gca().rotation_angles = [40 -130]; xtitle("", "real(z)","imag(z)", "") title("| Bi(z) |", "fontsize",3) colorbar(smin, smax, [2, nc]) // arg(Bi) xsetech([0.5 fr 0.5 (1-fr)]) Z = airy(3, Xph + %i*Yph); V = atan(imag(Z),real(Z)); grayplot(xph, yph, V.') xtitle("","real(z)", "imag(z)") title("arg( Bi(z) )", "fontsize", 3) gca().tight_limits = "on"; isoview colorbar(,,[2 nc]) title(fig.children(1), "[rad]") drawnow

バージョン | 記述 |
6.1.0 | airy() introduced. |
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