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Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions

Elementary Functions

  • Bitwise operations
    • bitandbitwise logical AND between element-wise integers of 2 arrays
    • bitcmpbitwise complement of integers
    • bitgetExtracts from integers bits of given indices
    • bitorbitwise logical OR between element-wise integers of 2 arrays
    • bitsetSets bits of given indices in some integers
    • bitstringA string giving the literal bit representation of a number
    • bitxorbitwise logical XOR between element-wise integers of 2 arrays
  • Complex numbers
    • complexBuild an array of complex numbers from their parts
    • conjComplex conjugate
    • imagimaginary part of complex numbers, polynomials, or rationals
    • imultmultiplication by i the imaginary unitary
    • isrealcheck if a variable is stored as a complex matrix
    • realreal part of complex numbers, polynomials, or rationals
  • Discrete mathematics
    • factorfactor function
    • factorialfactorial function : product of the n first positive integers
    • gcdGreatest (positive) Common Divisor
    • lcmleast common (positive) multiple of integers or of polynomials
    • nchoosekComputes binomial numbers (n,k) = numbers of combinations
    • primeslists of primes up to a given number
    • ratFloating point rational approximation
  • Matrix generation
    • random
      • grandRandom numbers
      • noisegennoise generation (obsolete)
      • prbs_aGenerates a pseudo random binary sequence
      • randRandom numbers
      • sampleSampling with replacement
      • samplefsample values with replacement from a population with given frequencies.
      • samwrSampling without replacement
    • blockdiagCreates a block diagonal matrix from provided arrays. Block diagonal system connection.
    • diagdiagonal including or extracting
    • empty []empty matrix. Array ranges destructor.
    • eyeidentity matrix
    • linspacegenerates linearly spaced numbers between 2 reached bounds
    • logspacelogarithmically spaced vector
    • meshgridCreate matrices or 3-D arrays from vectors replicated in 2 or 3 dimensions
    • ndgridbuild matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
    • onesmatrix made of ones
    • permsGenerate the table of permutations of given elements
    • repmatReplicate and tile an array
    • squarewavegenerates a square wave with period 2*%pi
    • testmatrixgenerate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Franck
    • toeplitzToeplitz matrix (chosen constant diagonal bands)
    • zerosnull matrix
  • Log - exp - power
    • expelement-wise exponential
    • expmsquare matrix exponential
    • lognatural logarithm
    • log10base 10 logarithm
    • log1pcomputes with accuracy the natural logarithm of its argument added by one
    • log2Base-2 logarithm. Base-2 exponent and mantissa of some real numbers
    • logmsquare matrix logarithm
    • nthrootReal nth root of real numbers
    • polarpolar form
    • power(^,.^) power operation
    • sqrtsquare root
    • sqrtmmatrix square root
  • Floating point
    • ceilround up
    • cleancleans matrices (round to zero small entries)
    • doubleconverts inttype integers or booleans into decimal encoding
    • fixround towards zero
    • floorround down
    • formatset the default output format of decimal numbers
    • ieeesets or gets the floating point exception mode
    • intround towards zero
    • isinftests for infinite elements
    • isnancheck for "Not a Number" entries
    • nearfloatget previous or next floating-point number
    • nextpow2next higher power of 2.
    • number_propertiesdetermine floating-point parameters
    • roundround to nearest integer
    • signed zero -0Processing of -0 versus 0
  • Radix conversions
    • base2decconvert from base b to decimal
    • bin2decconvert from binary to decimal
    • dec2baseConvert decimal to base N number in string
    • dec2binconvert from decimal to binary
    • dec2hexconvert from decimal to hexadecimal
    • dec2octconvert from decimal to octal
    • hex2decconvert from hexadecimal to decimal
    • oct2decconvert from octal to decimal
  • Integers
    • iconvertconversion to 1 to 8 byte integer representation
    • uint64conversion to 8 bytes unsigned integer representation
    • inttypetype integers used in integer data types
  • Matrix - shaping
    • Shape tests
      • iscolumncheck if a variable is a column
      • ismatrixchecks if an object is a non-empty 1D or 2D matrix or array
      • isrowcheck if a variable is a row
      • isscalarcheck if a variable is a scalar.
      • issquarecheck if a variable is a square matrix
      • isvectorcheck if a variable is a vector
    • catstacks vectors matrices or arrays into an hypermatrix or hyperarray
    • circshiftcircularly shifts elements or subarrays of an array (regular, of structures, cells, custom)
    • flipdimreverses the order of (blocks of) rows, columns, pages.. of an array
    • matrixreshapes an array with the same number and order of components
    • permutepermutes the dimensions of an array
    • pertransTransposition with reference to the 2nd diagonal
    • resize_matrixtrim or/and extend (and cast) a matrix or hypermatrix
    • squeezeremoves singleton dimensions of a ND-array
    • trillower triangular part of matrix
    • triuupper triangle
  • Matrix operations
    • absabsolute value, magnitude
    • andlogical AND between the elements of a boolean or numerical array
    • crossvector cross product
    • cumprodcumulative product of array elements
    • cumsumpartial cumulative sums of the elements of an array
    • kron .*.Kronecker tensorial product. Weighted array replication
    • kron .\. ./.Kronecker left and right divisions
    • maxmaximum
    • minminimum
    • normnorms of a vector or a matrix
    • orlogical OR over the elements of a boolean or numerical array
    • prodproduct of array elements
    • signsignum function
    • signmmatrix signum function
    • sumsum of array elements
  • Search and sort
    • dsearchdistribute, locate and count elements of a matrix or hypermatrix in given categories
    • findgives the indices of %T or non-zero elements
    • gsortsorts boolean, numerical and string arrays
    • memberscount (and locate) in an array each element or row or column of another array
    • vectorfindlocates occurences of a (wildcarded) vector in a matrix or hypermatrix
  • Set operations
    • intersectelements or rows or columns met in both input arrays, without duplicates
    • setdiffreturns elements or rows or columns of an array that do not belong to another one
    • unionSet of all elements, rows, or columns of two arrays, without duplicates
    • uniqueextracts (and sorts) distinct elements, rows or columns of a matrix
  • Trigonometry
    • Matrix-wise processing
      • acoshmmatrix hyperbolic inverse cosine
      • acosmmatrix wise cosine inverse
      • asinhmmatrix hyperbolic inverse sine
      • asinmmatrix wise sine inverse
      • atanhmmatrix hyperbolic tangent inverse
      • atanmsquare matrix tangent inverse
      • coshmmatrix hyperbolic cosine
      • cosmmatrix cosine function
      • cothmmatrix hyperbolic cotangent
      • sinhmmatrix hyperbolic sine
      • sinmmatrix sine function
      • tanhmmatrix hyperbolic tangent
      • tanmmatrix tangent
    • acoselement wise cosine inverse (radians)
    • acosdelement wise cosine inverse, result in degree.
    • acoshhyperbolic cosine inverse
    • acotcomputes the element-wise inverse cotangent of the argument.
    • acotdcomputes the element-wise inverse cotangent of the argument, result in degree.
    • acothelement wise hyperbolic cotangent inverse.
    • acsccomputes the element-wise inverse cosecant of the argument.
    • acscdcomputes the element-wise inverse cosecant of the argument, results in degree.
    • acschcomputes the element-wise inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
    • aseccomputes the element-wise inverse secant of the argument.
    • asecdcomputes the element-wise inverse secant of the argument, results in degree.
    • asechcomputes the element-wise inverse hyperbolic secant of the argument.
    • asinsine inverse (radians)
    • asindsine inverse, results in degree
    • asinhhyperbolic sine inverse
    • atan2-quadrant and 4-quadrant inverse tangent
    • atand2-quadrant and 4-quadrant element-wise inverse tangent, result in degree
    • atanhhyperbolic tangent inverse
    • coscosine function
    • cosdelement-wise cosine function, argument in degree
    • coshhyperbolic cosine
    • cotdelement-wise cotangent function, argument in degree
    • cotgcotangent
    • cothhyperbolic cotangent
    • cscсomputes the element-wise cosecant of the argument
    • cscdсomputes the element-wise cosecant of the argument given in degree
    • cschComputes the element-wise hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
    • csgnreturns the sign of a vector of real of complex values
    • seccomputes the element-wise secant of the argument
    • secdcomputes the element-wise secant of the argument given in degree
    • sechcomputes the element-wise hyperbolic secant of the argument
    • sinsine function
    • sindsine function, argument in degree.
    • sinhhyperbolic sine
    • tantangent
    • tandtangent, argument in degree.
    • tanhhyperbolic tangent
  • &, &&Binary AND between integers. Logical AND over/between booleans and numbers
  • extractionmatrix and list entry extraction
  • ind2sublinear index to matrix subscript values
  • assignationpartial variable assignation
  • isemptycheck if a variable is an empty matrix or an empty list
  • isequalbitwisecomparison of objects (NaN are equal)
  • pmodulopositive euclidian remainder modulo m
  • ndimsnumber of dimensions of an array
  • |, ||Binary OR between integers. Logical OR over/between booleans and numbers
  • sizesize of objects
  • sub2indmatrix subscript values to linear index
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Last updated:
Tue Jul 20 11:10:43 CEST 2021