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Scilab Help >> Elementary Functions > Matrix - shaping > resize_matrix


trim or/and extend (and cast) a matrix or hypermatrix


resize_matrix // demo

resMat = resize_matrix(mat, nbRows, nbCols)
resMat = resize_matrix(mat, nbRows, nbCols, resType)
resMat = resize_matrix(mat, nbRows, nbCols, resType, padding)
resMat = resize_matrix(mat, nbRows, nbCols,    ""  , padding)

resMat = resize_matrix(mat, newSizes)
resMat = resize_matrix(mat, newSizes, resType)
resMat = resize_matrix(mat, newSizes, resType, padding)
resMat = resize_matrix(mat, newSizes,    ""  , padding)



input matrix or hypermatrix. booleans, encoded integers, decimal-encoded numbers (real or complex), polynomials, or text are supported.


new number of rows of the resized matrix. Exceeding rows are trimmed. Missing rows are added by padding. Setting nbRows < 0 keeps the current number of rows.


new number of columns of the resized matrix. Exceeding columns are trimmed. Missing columns are added by padding. Setting nbCols < 0 keeps the current number of columns.


vector specifying the new sizes along each dimension of mat. To keep a new size equal to the current one, just set it to -1.

If the vector newSizes is shorter than size(mat), it is padded with ones. Example: if mat with size(mat)==[ 4 3 3 2] is provided and newSizes=[6 2] is specified, newSizes = [6 2 1 1] is considered.

Conversely, if newSizes is longer than size(mat), new dimensions are added to mat and padded. Example: if mat such that size(mat)==[ 4 3 ] is provided and newSizes=[6 2 2] is specified, the result will be an hypermatrix with 2 pages, the second one being fully padded.

newSizes = [nbRows, nbCols] may be used for a matrix.


optional scalar of same type as mat, specifying the content to set in elements created when the size along a dimension is increased. The default padding is done with 0 (real or complex decimals, encoded integers, polynomials), or "" (text), or %F (booleans).

When mat and padding types do not match, scilab tries to convert the padding's one

For polynomials, the varname of the padding is forced to the mat's one.


optional text word specifying the data type into which the resized matrix must be converted. "boolean", "constant", "string", "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", and "uint64" are supported.

Type conversion is supported neither for Polynomials nor for hypermatrix of text.


resized (and converted) matrix or hypermatrix


Creates a matrix of sizes [nbRows, nbCols] or newSizes, or an hypermatrix of sizes newSizes. If for a dimension the new size is smaller than the initial one, the matrix is cropped. If the size is increased, the matrix/hypermatrix is padded. The number of dimensions can be increased. Conversely, Scilab automatically squeezes highest dimensions with size kept or set to 1 (singletons).

The type of the result may be changed by specifying the resType argument, with restrictions given above.


// Embedded examples, including with polynomials:

// Resizing a numerical matrix:
M = grand(4, 3, "uin", -9, 9)
resize_matrix(M, -1, 5)  //  use -1 to keep a size unchanged
resize_matrix(M, 2, -1)
resize_matrix(M, 3, 4)
--> M = grand(4, 3, "uin", -9, 9)
 M  =
  -8.  -5.  -2.
  -9.   0.  -1.
   4.  -1.   6.
   5.   1.   8.

--> resize_matrix(M, -1, 5)  //  use -1 to keep a size unchanged
 ans  =
  -8.  -5.  -2.   0.   0.
  -9.   0.  -1.   0.   0.
   4.  -1.   6.   0.   0.
   5.   1.   8.   0.   0.

--> resize_matrix(M, 2, -1)
 ans  =
  -8.  -5.  -2.
  -9.   0.  -1.

--> resize_matrix(M, 3, 4)
 ans  =
  -8.  -5.  -2.   0.
  -9.   0.  -1.   0.
   4.  -1.   6.   0.
resize_matrix(M, [3 4 2])
resize_matrix(M, [3 4 2], "", %i)
resize_matrix(M, [3 4 2], "string", %i)

// Matrix of text:
myMatString = ["Scilab", "the"; "Open Source", "Scientific"; "Software", "Package"]
resize_matrix( myMatString, 5, 3 )
// Equivalent syntax for new sizes:
resize_matrix( myMatString, [5 3], "", "$" )    // With custom padding

// Crops, pads and casts an hypermatrix:
h = rand(2, 3, 2)*200
resize_matrix(h, [3 2 3], "int8")
resize_matrix(h, [3 2 3], "int8", -1)    // Custom padding
r = resize_matrix(h, [3 2 ] , "" , -1)   // Custom padding without type conversion
size(r)  // The last dimension has been squeezed

// With Polynomials:
x = poly(0, "x");
P = (1-x)^grand(4, 2, "uin", 0, 3)
resize_matrix(P, 3, 3)
resize_matrix(P, [3 3 2])
resize_matrix(P, [3 3 2], "", %z)
//  => The padding's unknown is forced to the P's one
//  => Polynomials can't be converted

See also

  • matrix — reshapes an array with the same number and order of components
  • size — size of objects
  • typeof — explicit type or overloading code of an object
  • double — converts inttype integers or booleans into decimal encoding
  • strtod — parse and convert literal numbers STRings TO Decimal numbers
  • string — conversion to string


  • Polynomials and Hypermatrices are now accepted.
  • A custom padding can now be provided.
  • New sizes can be specified in a vector.
  • resize_matrix() with no parameters displays examples (demo).
6.0.1 The resType option is extended to the new int64 and uint64 integer types.
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Last updated:
Mon Jan 03 14:23:23 CET 2022