Scilab 5.5.0
- Справка Scilab
- Scilab
- Дифференциальное счисление, интегрирование
- Основные функции
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolation
- Polynomials
- Signal Processing
- Special Functions
- Библиотека генераторов случайных чисел
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Statistics
- Sparse Matrix
- UMFPACK Interface (sparse)
- Optimization and Simulation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Simulated Annealing
- XML Management
- HDF5 Management
- Файлы: функции ввода/вывода
- Input/Output functions
- Графики
- Графики: экспорт и печать
- Data Structures
- Parameters
- Boolean
- Целые числа
- Строки
- Sound file handling
- Time and Date
- Output functions
- Xcos
- Электронная таблица
- Командное окно
- History manager
- Matlab binary files I/O
- Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
- Функции для совместимости
- Функции
- Development tools
- Demo Tools
- Dynamic/incremental Link
- Tcl/Tk Interface
- Text editor (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Online help management
- Parallel
- Modules manager
- Локализация
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API (Scilab engine)
- Java from Scilab
- Java Interface
- Intersci
- Preferences
- Windows tools
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
- formal_representation
- lsslist — функция определения линейного пространства состояний
- abcd — state-space matrices
- cont_frm — transfer to controllable state-space
- dbphi — frequency response to phase and magnitude representation
- des2ss — descriptor to state-space
- des2tf — descriptor to transfer function conversion
- frep2tf — transfer function realization from frequency response
- markp2ss — Markov parameters to state-space
- sm2des — system matrix to descriptor
- sm2ss — system matrix to state-space
- ss2des — (polynomial) state-space to descriptor form
- ss2ss — state-space to state-space conversion, feedback, injection
- ss2tf — conversion from state-space to transfer function
- tf2des — transfer function to descriptor
- tf2ss — transfer to state-space
- Plot and display
- black — Black-Nichols diagram of a linear dynamical system
- bode — Bode plot
- bode_asymp — Bode plot asymptote
- chart — Nichols chart. This function is obsolete.
- evans — Evans root locus
- gainplot — magnitude plot
- hallchart — Draws the Hall chart
- m_circle — plots the complex plane iso-gain contours of y/(1+y) (obsolete)
- nicholschart — Nichols chart
- nyquist — nyquist plot
- phaseplot — frequency phase plot
- sgrid — s-plane grid lines.
- show_margins — display gain and phase margin and associated crossover frequencies
- svplot — singular-value sigma-plot
- zgrid — zgrid plot
- plzr — график нулей и полюсов
- syslin — определение линейной системы
- abinv — AB invariant subspace
- arhnk — Hankel norm approximant
- arl2 — SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation
- arma — Scilab arma library
- arma2p — extract polynomial matrices from ar representation
- arma2ss — transform an armax data structure into state space representation.
- armac — Scilab description of an armax process
- armax — armax identification
- armax1 — armax identification
- arsimul — armax simulation
- augment — augmented plant
- balreal — balanced realization
- bilin — general bilinear transform
- bstap — hankel approximant
- cainv — Dual of abinv
- calfrq — frequency response discretization
- canon — canonical controllable form
- ccontrg — Central H-infinity continuous time controller
- cls2dls — bilinear transform
- colinout — inner-outer factorization
- colregul — removing poles and zeros at infinity
- cont_mat — controllability matrix
- contr — controllability, controllable subspace, staircase
- contrss — controllable part
- copfac — right coprime factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
- csim — simulation (time response) of linear system
- ctr_gram — controllability gramian
- damp — Natural frequencies and damping factors.
- dcf — double coprime factorization
- ddp — disturbance decoupling
- dhinf — H_infinity design of discrete-time systems
- dhnorm — discrete H-infinity norm
- dscr — discretization of linear system
- dsimul — state space discrete time simulation
- dt_ility — detectability test
- dtsi — Continuous time dynamical systems stable anti-stable decomposition
- equil — balancing of pair of symmetric matrices
- equil1 — balancing (nonnegative) pair of matrices
- feedback — feedback operation
- findABCD — discrete-time system subspace identification
- findAC — discrete-time system subspace identification
- findBD — initial state and system matrices B and D of a discrete-time system
- findBDK — Kalman gain and B D system matrices of a discrete-time system
- findR — Preprocessor for estimating the matrices of a linear time-invariant dynamical system
- findx0BD — Estimates state and B and D matrices of a discrete-time linear system
- flts — time response (discrete time, sampled system)
- fourplan — augmented plant to four plants
- freq — frequency response
- freson — peak frequencies
- fspec — spectral factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
- fspecg — stable factorization of continuous time dynamical systems
- fstabst — Youla's parametrization of continuous time linear dynmaical systems
- g_margin — gain margin and associated crossover frequency
- gamitg — H-infinity gamma iterations for continuous time systems
- gcare — Continuous time control Riccati equation
- gfare — Continuous time filter Riccati equation
- gfrancis — Francis equations for tracking
- gtild — tilde operation
- h2norm — H2 norm of a continuous time proper dynamical system
- h_cl — closed loop matrix
- h_inf — Continuous time H-infinity (central) controller
- h_inf_st — static H_infinity problem
- h_norm — H-infinity norm
- hankelsv — Hankel singular values
- hinf — H_infinity design of continuous-time systems
- imrep2ss — state-space realization of an impulse response
- inistate — Estimates the initial state of a discrete-time system
- invsyslin — system inversion
- kpure — continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
- krac2 — continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
- lcf — Continuous time dynamical systems normalized coprime factorization
- leqr — H-infinity LQ gain (full state)
- lft — linear fractional transformation
- lin — linearization
- linf — infinity norm
- linfn — infinity norm
- linmeq — Sylvester and Lyapunov equations solver
- lqe — linear quadratic estimator (Kalman Filter)
- lqg — LQG compensator
- lqg2stan — LQG to standard problem
- lqg_ltr — LQG with loop transform recovery
- lqr — LQ compensator (full state)
- ltitr — discrete time response (state space)
- macglov — Continuous time dynamical systems Mac Farlane Glover problem
- minreal — minimal balanced realization
- minss — minimal realization
- mucomp — mu (structured singular value) calculation
- narsimul — armax simulation (using rtitr)
- nehari — Nehari approximant of continuous time dynamical systems
- noisegen — noise generation
- nyquistfrequencybounds — Computes the frequencies for which the nyquist locus enters and leaves a given rectangle.
- obs_gram — observability gramian
- obscont — observer based controller
- observer — observer design
- obsv_mat — observability matrix
- obsvss — observable part
- p_margin — phase margin and associated crossover frequency
- parrot — Parrot's problem
- pfss — partial fraction decomposition
- phasemag — phase and magnitude computation
- pol2des — polynomial matrix to descriptor form
- ppol — pole placement
- prbs_a — pseudo random binary sequences generation
- projsl — linear system projection
- repfreq — frequency response
- ric_desc — Riccati equation
- ricc — Riccati equation
- riccati — Riccati equation
- routh_t — Routh's table
- rowinout — inner-outer factorization
- rowregul — removing poles and zeros at infinity
- rtitr — discrete time response (transfer matrix)
- sensi — sensitivity functions
- sident — discrete-time state-space realization and Kalman gain
- sorder — computing the order of a discrete-time system
- specfact — spectral factor
- ssprint — pretty print for linear system
- st_ility — stabilizability test
- stabil — stabilization
- sysfact — system factorization
- syssize — size of state-space system
- time_id — SISO least square identification
- trzeros — transmission zeros and normal rank
- ui_observer — unknown input observer
- unobs — unobservable subspace
- zeropen — zero pencil
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