Equations différentielles
- SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation - SUNDIALS solvers
- Options, features and user functions
- SUN_Clink — Compiling and linking a C user function
- Callback — Specifying a user callback
- Complex solutions — Computing a complex solution and its applications
- Events — Specifying a user events function
- Jacobian — Specifying a user-supplied Jacobian or its approximation
- Options (kinsol) — Changing the default behavior of solver
- SUNDIALS Linear Solvers — SUNDIALS direct and iterative, preconditionned linear solvers
- Options (ODE and DAE solvers) — Changing the default behavior of solver
- Pure quadrature — Integration of quadrature equations
- Sensitivity (DAE) — Forward Sensitivity computation with ida
- Sensitivity (ODE) — Forward Sensitivity computation with cvode
- Solution output (ODE and DAE solvers) — Specialized output of solvers
- User functions — Coding user functions used by SUNDIALS solvers
- arkode — SUNDIALS ordinary differential equation additive Runge-Kutta solver
- cvode — SUNDIALS ordinary differential equation solver
- ida — SUNDIALS differential-algebraic equation solver
- kinsol — SUNDIALS general-purpose nonlinear system solver
- Options, features and user functions
- bvode — boundary value problems for ODE using collocation method
- dae — Solveur de système d'Equations Différentielles Algébriques
- dae_root — differential algebraic equation solver with roots finding
- daeoptions — set options for dae solver
- daskr — DAE solver with zero crossing
- dasrt — DAE solver with zero crossing
- dassl — differential algebraic equation
- diff — Difference and discrete derivative
- impl — differential algebraic equation
- int2d — definite 2D integral by quadrature method
- int3d — definite 3D integral by quadrature and cubature method
- intc — intégrale dans le plan complexe, selon un chemin rectiligne
- integrate — intégration numérique d'une expression
- intg — intégration numérique adaptative
- intl — Cauchy integral along a circular arc
- intsplin — intégration approchée de données expérimentales utilisant une interpolation par une spline.
- inttrap — intégration approchée de données expérimentales avec la méthode des trapèzes.
- numderivative — approximation des dérivées d'une fonction (matrices jacobienne ou hessienne)
- ode — solveur d'équations différentielles ordinaires
- ode_discrete — ordinary differential equation solver, discrete time simulation
- ode_optional_output — ode solvers optional outputs description
- ode_root — ordinary differential equation solver with roots finding
- odedc — discrete/continuous ode solver
- odeoptions — set options for ode solvers
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