Scilab 5.3.3
- Aide Scilab
- Scilab
- Mots clés Scilab
- abort
- argn
- banner
- boolean
- break
- clear
- clearglobal
- comp
- debug
- errcatch
- errclear
- error
- exists
- exit
- external
- extraction
- getos
- getshell
- gstacksize
- ieee
- insertion
- inv_coeff
- iserror
- isglobal
- macr2tree
- matrices
- matrix
- mode
- mtlb_mode
- names
- null
- pause
- perl
- poly
- predef
- quit
- rational
- resume
- sciargs
- scilab
- stacksize
- startup
- symbols
- testmatrix
- type
- typename
- user
- varn
- what
- where
- whereami
- who
- whos
- with_atlas
- with_javasci
- with_macros_source
- with_pvm
- add_demo
- clearfun
- continue
- delbpt
- dispbpt
- edit
- error_table
- format
- funcprot
- funptr
- getdebuginfo
- getmd5
- getmemory
- getmodules
- getscilabmode
- getvariablesonstack
- getversion
- intppty
- lasterror
- macr2lst
- newfun
- readgateway
- setbpt
- ver
- warning
- who_user
- with_module
- with_texmacs
- with_tk
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
returns list of modules installed in Scilab
Calling Sequence
- res
a string matrix
Returns list of modules installed in Scilab.
See Also
- with_module — Checks if a Scilab module is installed
<< getmemory | Scilab | getscilabmode >> |