Scilab 5.3.3
- Scilab help
- Scilab
- Differential Equations, Integration
- Elementary Functions
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolation
- Polynomials
- Signal Processing
- Special Functions
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Statistics
- Sparse Matrix
- UMFPACK Interface (sparse)
- Optimization and Simulation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Simulated Annealing
- Symbolic
- Files : Input/Output functions
- Input/Output functions
- Graphics
- Graphics : exporting and printing
- Data Structures
- Parameters
- Boolean
- Integers
- Strings
- Sound file handling
- Time and Date
- Output functions
- Xcos
- Spreadsheet
- Shell
- Console
- Completion
- History manager
- Matlab binary files I/O
- Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
- Compatibility Functions
- Maple Interface
- Overloading
- Functions
- Development tools
- Demo Tools
- Dynamic/incremental Link
- Tcl/Tk Interface
- Text editor (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Online help management
- Parallel
- PVM parallel Toolbox
- Modules manager
- Localization
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API (Scilab engine)
- Java Interface
- Intersci
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2024.1.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Files : Input/Output functions
- basename — strip directory and suffix from filenames
- chdir — changes Scilab current directory
- copyfile — Copy file
- createdir — Make new directory
- deletefile — delete a file
- dir — get file list
- dirname — get directory from filenames
- dispfiles — display opened files properties
- fileext — returns extension for a file path
- fileinfo — Provides information about a file
- fileparts — returns the path, filename and extension for a file path
- filesep — returns directory separator for current platform
- findfiles — Finding all files with a given filespec
- fprintf — Emulator of C language fprintf function
- fprintfMat — Write a matrix in a file.
- fscanf — Converts formatted input read on a file
- fscanfMat — Reads a Matrix from a text file.
- fullfile — Build a full filename from parts
- fullpath — Creates an full path name for the specified relative path name.
- get_absolute_file_path — Given an absolute pathname of a file opened in scilab.
- getdrives — Get the drive letters of all mounted filesystems on the computer.
- getlongpathname — get long path name (Only for Windows)
- getrelativefilename — Given an absolute directory and an absolute filename, returns a relative file name.
- getshortpathname — get short path name (Only for Windows)
- percentio — variable returns standard input and standard output (file descriptor).
- isdir — checks if argument is a directory path
- isfile — checks if argument is a file
- listfiles — list files
- listvarinfile — list the contents of a saved data file
- ls — show files
- maxfiles — sets the limit for the number of files a scilab is allowed to have open simultaneously.
- mclearerr — reset binary file access errors
- mclose — close an opened file
- mdelete — Delete file(s)
- meof — check if end of file has been reached
- merror — tests the file access errors indicator
- mfprintf — converts, formats, and writes data to a file
- mfscanf — reads its input from the character string (interface to the C sscanf function)
- mget — reads byte or word in a given binary format return an int type
- mgetl — read lines from an text file
- mgetstr — read a character string from a file
- mkdir — Make new directory
- mopen — open a file
- movefile — Move file or directory
- mput — writes byte or word in a given binary format
- mputl — writes strings in an ascii file
- mputstr — write a character string in a file
- mseek — set current position in binary file.
- mtell — binary file management
- newest — returns newest file of a set of files
- pathconvert — pathnames convertion between POSIX and windows.
- pathsep — returns path separator for current platform
- pwd — get Scilab current directory
- removedir — Remove a directory
- rmdir — Remove a directory
- save_format — format of files produced by "save"
- scanf — Converts formatted input on standard input
- scanf_conversion — scanf, sscanf, fscanf conversion specifications
- sscanf — Converts formatted input given by a string
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