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Scilab help >> Scilab > mode


select a mode in exec file

Calling Sequence

k = mode()


Used exclusively inside an exec-file or a scilab function mode(k) allows to change the information displayed during the execution, depending on the value of k:

k = 0

The new variable values are displayed if required (see help on semicolon or comma).

k = -1

the exec file or scilab function executes silently. (this is the default value for scilab functions)

k = 2

default value on scilab prompt.

Please notices that mode does not used at prompt, only in an exec-file or a scilab function.

k = 1 or k = 3

each line of instructions is echoed preceded of the prompt(if possible). The new variable values are displayed if required. This is the default for exec files.

k = 4 or k = 7

The new variable values are displayed if required, each line of instructions is echoed (if possible) and a prompt (>>) is issued after each line waiting for a carriage return .

If carriage return follows character "p" the execution is paused (see pause).

k > 7

user mode. if you define your own mode, it is recommended to use a value > 100.

Line display is disabled for compiled scilab function (see comp). By default, Scilab functions are executed using the silent ("-1") mode.

functions in a function library are executed using "-1" mode.


// copy - paste in scilab

function example_mode(level_mode)
 a = 3




See Also

  • exec — script file execution
  • execstr — execute Scilab code in strings
  • semicolon — ending expression and row separator
  • comma — (,) column, instruction, argument separator
<< matrix Scilab mtlb_mode >>

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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu May 12 11:44:07 CEST 2011