- Scilab Online Help
- Elementary Functions
- Discrete mathematics
- Floating point
- Integer representation
- Trigonometry
- abs
- amell
- and
- &
- binomial
- bitand
- bitor
- bloc2exp
- bloc2ss
- cat
- cell2mat
- cellstr
- char
- cumprod
- cumsum
- delip
- diag
- diff
- dsearch
- exp
- eye
- flipdim
- gsort
- imag
- imult
- ind2sub
- intersect
- inttrap
- isdef
- isempty
- isequal
- isequalbitwise
- isreal
- isvector
- kron
- lex_sort
- linspace
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- logm
- logspace
- lstsize
- max
- meshgrid
- min
- modulo
- ndgrid
- ndims
- nextpow2
- norm
- ones
- or
- |
- pen2ea
- permute
- pertrans
- prod
- rand
- real
- resize_matrix
- setdiff
- sign
- signm
- size
- solve
- sqrt
- sqrtm
- squarewave
- ssrand
- sub2ind
- sum
- sysconv
- sysdiag
- syslin
- toeplitz
- trfmod
- trianfml
- tril
- trisolve
- triu
- typeof
- union
- unique
- vectorfind
- zeros
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
random number generator
Calling Sequence
rand(m1,m2,.. [,key]) rand(x [, key]) rand() rand(key) rand("seed" [,n]) rand("info")
- mi
- key
character string with value in
- x
a matrix. Only its dimensions are taken into account.
random matrix generator.
Warning: without a seed, the sequence will remain the same from a session to the other.
At the beginning of each script using rand function, you should use:
Without key argument the syntaxes below produce random matrices with the current random generator (default is "uniform")
- rand(m1,m2)
is a random matrix of dimension
.- rand(m1,m2,..,mn)
is a random matrix of dimension
,.. bymn
.- rand(a)
is a random matrix of same size as a.
is complex ifa
is a complex matrix.- rand() : with no arguments gives a scalar whose value changes
each time it is referenced.
If present, the key argument allows to specifie an other random distribution.
- rand('uniform')
The current random generator is set to a uniform random generator. Random numbers are uniformly distributed in the interval (0,1).
- rand('normal')
The current random generator is set to a Gaussian (with mean 0 and variance 1) random number generator.
- str=rand('info')
return the type of the default random generator ('uniform' or 'normal')
IT is possible to (re-)initialize the seed of the rand generator:
- rand('seed')
returns the current value of the seed.
- rand('seed',n)
puts the seed to
. (by defaultn=0
at first call).
Use the more powerful function grand instead.
x=rand(10,10,'uniform') rand('normal') rand('info') y=rand(x,'normal'); x=rand(2,2,2)
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