- Scilab Online Help
- Elementary Functions
- Discrete mathematics
- Floating point
- Integer representation
- Trigonometry
- abs
- amell
- and
- &
- binomial
- bitand
- bitor
- bloc2exp
- bloc2ss
- cat
- cell2mat
- cellstr
- char
- cumprod
- cumsum
- delip
- diag
- diff
- dsearch
- exp
- eye
- flipdim
- gsort
- imag
- imult
- ind2sub
- intersect
- inttrap
- isdef
- isempty
- isequal
- isequalbitwise
- isreal
- isvector
- kron
- lex_sort
- linspace
- log
- log10
- log1p
- log2
- logm
- logspace
- lstsize
- max
- meshgrid
- min
- modulo
- ndgrid
- ndims
- nextpow2
- norm
- ones
- or
- |
- pen2ea
- permute
- pertrans
- prod
- rand
- real
- resize_matrix
- setdiff
- sign
- signm
- size
- solve
- sqrt
- sqrtm
- squarewave
- ssrand
- sub2ind
- sum
- sysconv
- sysdiag
- syslin
- toeplitz
- trfmod
- trianfml
- tril
- trisolve
- triu
- typeof
- union
- unique
- vectorfind
- zeros
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
lexicographic matrix rows sorting
Calling Sequence
[N, [k]]=lex_sort(M [,sel] [,'unique'])
- M
real matrix
- N
real matrix
- k
column vector of integers
the lex_sort
function is now obsolete. It can be
replaced by functions gsort and unique.
sorts the rows (as a group) of the
matrix M
in ascending order. If required the output
argument k
contains the ordering:
returns k
such as
is uequal to M(k,:)
N=lex_sort(M,sel [,'unique'])
produces the same
result as the following sequence of instructions:
[N,k]=lex_sort(M(:,sel) [,'unique']); N=M(k,:)
The 'unique'
flag has to be given if one wants to
retain only unique rows in the result. Note that
retains only rows such that
M(:,sel) are unique.
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