- Scilabヘルプ
- Elementary Functions
- Complex
- Discrete mathematics
- elementarymatrices
- Exponential
- Floating point
- Integer representation
- Integers
- matrixmanipulation
- matrixoperations
- searchandsort
- setoperations
- Trigonometry
- Bitwise operations
- &, &&
- extraction
- ind2sub
- insertion
- isempty
- isequal
- modulo
- ndims
- |, ||
- size
- sub2ind
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2024.1.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
- random
- blockdiag — Creates a block diagonal matrix from provided arrays. Block diagonal system connection.
- diag — 対角行列の構築または展開
- empty [] — empty matrix. Array ranges destructor.
- eye — 単位行列
- linspace — generates linearly spaced numbers between 2 reached bounds
- logspace — 対数的間隔のベクトル
- meshgrid — Create matrices or 3-D arrays from vectors replicated in 2 or 3 dimensions
- ndgrid — build matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
- ones — 要素が1の行列
- perms — Generate the table of permutations of given elements
- repmat — Replicate and tile an array
- squarewave — 周期 2*%piの矩形波を生成
- testmatrix — ヒルバート,フランクのような特殊行列を作成
- toeplitz — Toeplitz matrix (chosen constant diagonal bands)
- zeros — ゼロからなる行列
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