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Scilabヘルプ >> Elementary Functions > elementarymatrices > meshgrid


Create matrices or 3-D arrays from vectors replicated in 2 or 3 dimensions


U = meshgrid(u)
[U, V] = meshgrid(u)
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y)
[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(x, y, z)


u, x, y, z
Vectors of any types, of lengths nu, nx, ny, nz.

U, V
Square matrices of size nu x nu

X, Y, Z
Matrices or hypermatrices of the same size [ny, nx] or [ny, nx, nz].


meshgrid(..) builds matrices or 3-D hypermatrices by replicating input vectors along 2 or 3 dimensions.

To create arrays of size [nx, ny] instead of [ny, nx], or with more than 3 dimensions, please use ndgrid(x, y) or ndgrid(x, y, z,..).

Most of Scilab 2D or 3D graphical functions like champ(), grayplot(), Sgrayplot(), plot3d(), contour(), etc.. work with grids generated with ndgrid(), not from meshgrid(). Data computed on grids coming from meshgrid() will require being transposed (please see the example thereafter).


[X, Y] = meshgrid(0:2)
--> [X, Y] = meshgrid(0:2)
 X  =
   0.   1.   2.
   0.   1.   2.
   0.   1.   2.

 Y  =
   0.   0.   0.
   1.   1.   1.
   2.   2.   2.

[X, Y] = meshgrid(["a" "bc" "αβγδ"], [-3 5])
--> [X, Y] = meshgrid(["a" "bc" "αβγδ"], [-3 5])
 X  =
!a  bc  αβγδ  !
!a  bc  αβγδ  !

 Y  =
  -3.  -3.  -3.
   5.   5.   5.

Application to grids for graphics:

// Generating data
x = -1:0.1:1.7;
y = -1:0.1:1;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
Z = sinc(2*%pi * X.*Y);

// Setting the graphic figure
gcf().color_map = parulacolormap(64);
gcf().axes_size = [650 530];

// Plotting
Sgrayplot(x, y, Z')
title(["Sgrayplot(x, y, Z'' ) " "$←\;Z^t\; required$"], "fontsize",3)
isoview, colorbar

plot3d(x, y, Z', -125,50)
gce().color_flag = 1;
title(["plot3d(x, y, Z'' ) " "$←\;Z^t\; required$"], "fontsize",3)

title(["champ(x, y, sin(X'' ),cos(Y'' ))" "$←\;X^t\;\;Y^t\; required$"], "fontsize",3)

surf(X, Y, Z)
title("surf(X, Y, Z)", "fontsize",3)

gcf().children.tight_limits = ["on" "on" "on"];

See also

  • ndgrid — build matrices or N-D arrays by replicating some template vectors
  • repmat — 配列を複製/タイル状に配置
  • feval — 関数(または外部ルーチン)を評価する
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:53:18 CET 2020