Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Airy functions of the first and second kind, and their derivatives
a = airy(z) a = airy(fun, z) a = airy(fun, z, scaled)
- z
- array of decimal or complex numbers of any size, from scalr to hypermatrix.
- fun
- Selected Airy function to evaluate. It can be either a string among
"Ai" "dAi" "Bi" "dBi", or an equivalent integer in [0, 3] (for compatibility
with Octave and Julia)
fun Description 0 "Ai" Airy function of the first kind (default) 1 "dAi" Derivative Ai' of Ai 2 "Bi" Airy function of the second kind 3 "dBi" Derivative Bi' of Bi - scaled
- Single boolean or integer 0|1. Default %F. When
is %T or set to 1, the raw result is scaled by the following factors before being returned:Ai, dAi : Bi, dBi :
For a real x variable, the Airy functions of the first and second kind -- respectively Ai(x) and Bi(x) -- are independent real solutions y(x) of the Airy differential equation y'' = x.y. They are defined as the convergent integrals

![Bi(x) = 1/π \int_0^∞ [sin(t^3/3 + xt) + exp(-t^3/3 + xt)] dt](/docs/6.1.0/fr_FR/_LaTeX_airy.xml_4.png)
These definitions can be extended to the complex plane, for any z complex variable, as

Let us note the properties

In Scilab, Ai, Bi, and their first derivative are computed through Bessel and gamma functions.
With real numbers
x = -10:0.05:3; clf drawlater subplot(2,1,1) // Ai, Bi plot(x, airy(x), "b", x, airy(2,x), "r") gca().margins(4) = 0.08; gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-0.5 1.25]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) legend(["Ai(x)" "Bi(x)"],"in_upper_left") title("Airy functions", "fontsize", 3) subplot(2,1,2) // Derivatives plot(x, airy(1, x), "b", x, airy(3,x), "r") legend(["Ai''(x)" "Bi''(x)"],"in_upper_left") xlabel("x", "fontsize", 3) gca().margins(3) = 0.08; gca().x_location = "top"; gca().x_ticks.labels = emptystr(gca().x_ticks.labels); gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-1 2.5]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) drawnow

With scaling
x = -10:0.05:3; clf drawlater subplot(2,1,1) // Ai, Ai scaled plot(x, airy("Ai",x), x, airy("Ai",x, %t), "color", ["blue" "cyan"]) gca().margins(4) = 0.08; gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-0.5 1]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) legend(["Ai(x)" "Ai(x) scaled"],"in_upper_left") title("Airy functions raw vs scaled", "fontsize", 3) subplot(2,1,2) // Bi, Bi scaled plot(x, airy("Bi", x), x, airy("Bi",x, %t), "color", ["red" "darkorange"]) legend(["Bi(x)" "Bi(x) scaled"],"in_upper_left") xlabel("x", "fontsize", 3) gca().margins(3) = 0.08; gca().x_location = "top"; gca().x_ticks.labels = emptystr(gca().x_ticks.labels); gca().data_bounds(3:4) = [-0.5 1.5]; gca().tight_limits = "on"; xgrid(color("grey60"),1,7) gcf().children.children.children.thickness = 2; drawnow

With complex numbers
// Initializations x = -4.5:0.2:2.5; y = -3.5:0.2:3.5; [X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y); xph = -4.5:0.05:2.5; yph = -3.5:0.05:3.5; [Xph, Yph] = meshgrid(xph, yph); clf fig = gcf(); drawlater [nc, cmin] = (100, 15); fig.color_map = [0.6 0.6 0.6; jetcolormap(nc-1)]; meshColor = 1; // grey60 will be used for the mesh color fig.axes_size = [800 600]; fr = 0.55; // |Ai| xsetech([0 0 0.5 fr]) Z = X + %i*Y; Z = airy(Z); V = abs(Z); [smin, smax] = (0, 5); surf(x, y, V) S = gce(); set(S, "color_flag",3, "color_mode",1, .. "cdata_mapping","direct", "foreground",meshColor); c =; c = cmin + (nc-cmin)*(c-smin)/(smax-smin); = c; gca().zoom_box = [min(x) min(y) max(x) max(y) smin smax]; gca().rotation_angles = [47 -60]; xtitle("", "real(z)","imag(z)", "") title("| Ai(z) |", "fontsize",3) colorbar(smin, smax, [2, nc]) // arg(Ai) xsetech([0 fr 0.5 (1-fr)]) Z = airy(Xph + %i*Yph); V = atan(imag(Z),real(Z)); grayplot(xph, yph, V.') xtitle("","real(z)", "imag(z)") title("arg( Ai(z) )", "fontsize", 3) gca().tight_limits = "on"; isoview colorbar(,,[2 nc]) title(fig.children(1), "[rad]") // |Bi| xsetech([0.50 0 0.5 fr]) Z = X + %i*Y; Z = airy(2, Z); V = abs(Z); [smin, smax] = (0, 5); surf(x, y, V) S = gce(); set(S, "color_flag",3, "color_mode",1, .. "cdata_mapping","direct", "foreground",meshColor); c =; c = cmin + (nc-cmin)*(c-smin)/(smax-smin); = c; gca().zoom_box = [min(x) min(y) max(x) max(y) smin smax]; gca().rotation_angles = [40 -130]; xtitle("", "real(z)","imag(z)", "") title("| Bi(z) |", "fontsize",3) colorbar(smin, smax, [2, nc]) // arg(Bi) xsetech([0.5 fr 0.5 (1-fr)]) Z = airy(3, Xph + %i*Yph); V = atan(imag(Z),real(Z)); grayplot(xph, yph, V.') xtitle("","real(z)", "imag(z)") title("arg( Bi(z) )", "fontsize", 3) gca().tight_limits = "on"; isoview colorbar(,,[2 nc]) title(fig.children(1), "[rad]") drawnow

Version | Description |
6.1.0 | airy() introduced. |
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