Scilab 5.5.1
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
projection 3D vers 2D après une instruction de dessin 3D
Séquence d'appel
- x1,y1,z1
vecteur réels de même taille (points 3D).
- x,y
vecteurs réels de même taille que
Après l'utilisation d'une instruction de dessin 3D du type
, plot3d1
ou param3d
permet de faire la correspondance entre un point de
l'espace 3D (x1(i),y1(i),z1(i))
et le point correspondant
dans le plan projeté 2D. On peut ainsi utiliser
les primitives graphiques avec (x,y)
pour superposer des
deff("[z]=surface(x,y)","z=sin(x)*cos(y)") t=%pi*(-10:10)/10; // 3D plot of the surface fplot3d(t,t,surface,35,45,"X@Y@Z") // now (t,t,sin(t).*cos(t)) is a curve on the surface // which can be drawn using geom3d and xpoly [x,y]=geom3d(%pi/2,0,surface(%pi/2,0))

my_plot_desc = "plot3d and use of geom3d"; r = (%pi):-0.01:0; x = r.*cos(10*r); y = r.*sin(10*r); deff("[z]=Surf(x,y)","z=sin(x)*cos(y)"); t=%pi*(-10:10)/10; // Plot the surface' fplot3d(t,t,Surf,35,45,"X@Y@Z",[19,2,3]); // Add 2d graphics on 3d graphic' z=(sin(x).*cos(y)); [x1,y1] = geom3d(x,y,z); xpoly(x1,y1,"lines"); // Adjust some plotting parameters' BackgroundColorId = color(70,174,255); current_axe = gca(); plot_3d = current_axe.children(2); plot_3d.hiddencolor = 32; polyline = current_axe.children(1)';; polyline.foreground = 8; current_axe.rotation_angles = [70,47]; current_axe.background = BackgroundColorId; // A second 2d graphics' [x1,y1] = geom3d([0,0],[0,0],[5,0]); xsegs(x1,y1); xstring(x1(1),y1(1),"The point (0,0,0)"); xtitle(my_plot_desc," "," "," ");

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