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Aide de Scilab >> Graphiques > 3d_plot > param3d1


3D plot of parametric curves

Calling Sequence




matrices of the same size (nl,nc).

Each column i of the matrices corresponds to the coordinates of the ith curve. You can give a specific color for each curve by using list(z,colors) instead of z, where colors is a vector of size nc. If color(i) is negative the curve is plotted using the mark with id abs(style(i)); if style(i) is strictly positive, a plain line with color id style(i) or a dashed line with dash id style(i) is used.


real values giving in degree the spherical coordinates of the observation point. The default values are 35 and 45 degree.


string defining the captions for each axis with @ as a field separator, for example "X@Y@Z".


type and box have the same meaning as in plot3d:


an integer (scaling).


the plot is made using the current 3D scaling (set by a previous call to param3d, plot3d, contour or plot3d1).


rescales automatically 3d boxes with extreme aspect ratios, the boundaries are specified by the value of the optional argument ebox.


rescales automatically 3d boxes with extreme aspect ratios, the boundaries are computed using the given data. This is the default value.


3d isometric with box bounds given by optional ebox, similarily to type=1.


3d isometric bounds derived from the data, similarilyto type=2.


3d expanded isometric bounds with box bounds given by optional ebox, similarily to type=1.


3d expanded isometric bounds derived from the data, similarily to type=2.Note that axes boundaries can be customized through the axes entity properties (see axes_properties).


an integer (frame around the plot).


nothing is drawn around the plot.


unimplemented (like box=0).


only the axes behind the surface are drawn.


a box surrounding the surface is drawn and captions are added.


a box surrounding the surface is drawn, captions and axes are added.Note that axes aspect can also be customized through the axes entity properties (see axes_properties). This is the default value.


It specifies the boundaries of the plot as the vector [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]. This argument is used together with type in flag : if it is set to 1, 3 or 5 (see above to see the corresponding behaviour). If flag is missing, ebox is not taken into acount. Note that, when specified, the ebox argument acts on the data_bounds field that can also be reset through the axes entity properties (see axes_properties). The ebox default value is [0,1,0,1,0,1].


param3d1 is used to plot 3D curves defined by their coordinates x, y and z. Note that data can also be got or modified through the surface entity properties (see surface_properties).

Note that properties like rotation angles, colors and thickness of the plotted curves can also be got or modified through the polyline entity properties (see polyline_properties).

Enter the command param3d1() to see a demo.


xset('window',20) // create a window number 20

a=gca();//get the handle of the newly created axes
a.data_bounds=[-1,-1,-1;1,1,2]; //boundaries given by data_bounds
a.thickness = 2;
h=a.children; //get the handle of the param3d entity: an Compound composed of 2 curves
h.children(1).foreground = 3; // first curve
curve2 = h.children(2);
curve2.foreground = 6;
curve2.mark_style = 2;

See Also

  • param3d — 3D plot of a parametric curve
  • plot3d — 3D plot of a surface
  • plot2d — 2D plot
  • gca — Return handle of current axes.
  • xdel — supprime des fenêtres graphiques
  • delete — delete a graphic entity and its children.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 02 13:54:34 CEST 2014