Scilab 5.3.1
- Aide Scilab
- Algèbre Lineaire
- bdiag
- chfact
- chol
- chsolve
- cmb_lin
- coff
- colcomp
- companion
- cond
- det
- expm
- fullrf
- fullrfk
- givens
- glever
- gspec
- hess
- householder
- inv
- kernel
- linsolve
- lu
- lyap
- nlev
- orth
- pbig
- pinv
- polar
- proj
- qr
- range
- rank
- rcond
- rowcomp
- spec
- sqroot
- squeeze
- sva
- svd
- trace
- aff2ab
- balanc
- classmarkov
- eigenmarkov
- ereduc
- fstair
- genmarkov
- gschur
- im_inv
- kroneck
- lsq
- pencan
- penlaur
- projspec
- psmall
- quaskro
- randpencil
- rankqr
- rowshuff
- rref
- schur
- spaninter
- spanplus
- spantwo
- sylv
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2024.1.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
computes matrix row echelon form by lu transformations
Calling Sequence
- A
m x n matrix with scalar entries
- R
m x n matrix,row echelon form of a
computes the row echelon form of the given matrix by left lu
decomposition. If ones need the transformation used just call
the row echelon form R
is X(:,1:n)
the left transformation L
is given by X(:,n+1:n+m)
such as L*A=R
A=[1 2;3 4;5 6]; X=rref([A,eye(3,3)]); R=X(:,1:2) L=X(:,3:5);L*A
<< rowshuff | Algèbre Lineaire | schur >> |