Scilab 5.3.1
- Scilab help
- Scilab
- Scilab keywords
- abort
- add_demo
- argn
- banner
- boolean
- break
- clear
- clearfun
- clearglobal
- comp
- continue
- debug
- delbpt
- dispbpt
- edit
- errcatch
- errclear
- error
- error_table
- exists
- exit
- external
- extraction
- format
- funcprot
- funptr
- getdebuginfo
- getmd5
- getmemory
- getmodules
- getos
- getscilabmode
- getshell
- getvariablesonstack
- getversion
- gstacksize
- ieee
- insertion
- intppty
- inv_coeff
- iserror
- isglobal
- lasterror
- macr2lst
- macr2tree
- matrices
- matrix
- mode
- mtlb_mode
- names
- newfun
- null
- pause
- perl
- poly
- predef
- quit
- rational
- readgateway
- resume
- sciargs
- scilab
- setbpt
- stacksize
- startup
- symbols
- testmatrix
- type
- typename
- user
- varn
- ver
- warning
- what
- where
- whereami
- who
- who_user
- whos
- with_atlas
- with_javasci
- with_macros_source
- with_module
- with_pvm
- with_texmacs
- with_tk
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
generate special matrices, such as Hilbert, Franck
Calling Sequence
- name
a character string
- n
integers, matrix size
- y
Create some particular matrices
- testmatrix('magi',n)
returns a magic square of size
.- testmatrix('frk',n)
returns the Franck matrix :
- testmatrix('hilb',n)
is the inverse of the nxn Hilbert matrix
(Hij= 1/(i+j-1))
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