Scilab 5.3.1
- Scilab help
- Scilab
- Scilab keywords
- abort
- add_demo
- argn
- banner
- boolean
- break
- clear
- clearfun
- clearglobal
- comp
- continue
- debug
- delbpt
- dispbpt
- edit
- errcatch
- errclear
- error
- error_table
- exists
- exit
- external
- extraction
- format
- funcprot
- funptr
- getdebuginfo
- getmd5
- getmemory
- getmodules
- getos
- getscilabmode
- getshell
- getvariablesonstack
- getversion
- gstacksize
- ieee
- insertion
- intppty
- inv_coeff
- iserror
- isglobal
- lasterror
- macr2lst
- macr2tree
- matrices
- matrix
- mode
- mtlb_mode
- names
- newfun
- null
- pause
- perl
- poly
- predef
- quit
- rational
- readgateway
- resume
- sciargs
- scilab
- setbpt
- stacksize
- startup
- symbols
- testmatrix
- type
- typename
- user
- varn
- ver
- warning
- what
- where
- whereami
- who
- who_user
- whos
- with_atlas
- with_javasci
- with_macros_source
- with_module
- with_pvm
- with_texmacs
- with_tk
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2024.1.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
get variable names on stack of scilab
Calling Sequence
s=getvariablesonstack() s=getvariablesonstack('local') s=getvariablesonstack('global')
- s
a string matrix
return in s
variable names on scilab stack.
getvariablesonstack('local') returns local variables on scilab stack.
getvariablesonstack('global') returns global variables on scilab stack.
Variables are sorted by alphabetical order.
getvariablesonstack() getvariablesonstack('local') getvariablesonstack('global')
See Also
- who — listing of variables
<< getshell | Scilab | getversion >> |