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Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function

Scilab help >> Scilab > getversion


get scilab and modules version information

Calling Sequence

version = getversion()
[version, opts] = getversion()
version_numbers = getversion('scilab')
versioninfo = getversion('scilab', 'string_info')
version_numbers = getversion('<module>')
versioninfo = getversion('<module>','string_info')



a string


a string about version


a integer vector

ver(1) Major version

ver(2) Minor version

ver(3) Maintenance version

ver(4) GIT timestamp


a vector of string :[compiler, architecture,[ pvm, tk, modelicac, atlas,] release_mode, release_date, release_time]


return in version the Scilab version name and in opts build options which can be used to determine if scilab has been build with pvm, tk , atlas or modelicac and give release date and time.

[ pvm, tk, modelicac, atlas,] are optional.

compiler: returns compiler used to build scilab ('GCC', 'VC++', 'PGI', 'ICC', 'SUN', 'UKN' unknown)

archicteture: 'x86' or 'x64'.

pvm: 'pvm' if pvm is enabled.

tk: 'tk' if tcl/tk is enabled.

modelicac: 'modelicac' if modelica compiler is ditributed with scilab/xcos.

atlas: 'atlas' if scilab was built with atlas (or MKL).



[version, opts] = getversion()
COMPILER = opts(1)
ARCH = opts(2)
or(opts == 'modelicac')
or(opts == 'pvm')
or(opts == 'tk')
or(opts == 'atlas')
RELEASE_MODE = opts($-2)
RELEASE_DATE = opts($-1)
RELEASE_TIME = opts($)

version = getversion('scilab')
versionstr = getversion('scilab','string_info')
version = getversion('overloading')
versionstr = getversion('overloading','string_info')

See Also

  • getmodules — returns list of modules installed in Scilab
<< getvariablesonstack Scilab gstacksize >>

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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Mar 03 10:59:31 CET 2011