Scilab 5.3.1
- Scilab help
- Scilab
- Scilab keywords
- abort
- add_demo
- argn
- banner
- boolean
- break
- clear
- clearfun
- clearglobal
- comp
- continue
- debug
- delbpt
- dispbpt
- edit
- errcatch
- errclear
- error
- error_table
- exists
- exit
- external
- extraction
- format
- funcprot
- funptr
- getdebuginfo
- getmd5
- getmemory
- getmodules
- getos
- getscilabmode
- getshell
- getvariablesonstack
- getversion
- gstacksize
- ieee
- insertion
- intppty
- inv_coeff
- iserror
- isglobal
- lasterror
- macr2lst
- macr2tree
- matrices
- matrix
- mode
- mtlb_mode
- names
- newfun
- null
- pause
- perl
- poly
- predef
- quit
- rational
- readgateway
- resume
- sciargs
- scilab
- setbpt
- stacksize
- startup
- symbols
- testmatrix
- type
- typename
- user
- varn
- ver
- warning
- what
- where
- whereami
- who
- who_user
- whos
- with_atlas
- with_javasci
- with_macros_source
- with_module
- with_pvm
- with_texmacs
- with_tk
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Scilab keywords
- ans — answer
- backslash — left matrix division.
- brackets — ([,]) left and right brackets
- case — keyword used in select
- colon — (:) colon operator
- comma — (,) column, instruction, argument separator
- comments — comments
- comparison — comparison, relational operators
- do — language keyword for loops
- dot — (.) symbol
- else — keyword in if-then-else
- elseif — keyword in if-then-else
- empty — ([]) empty matrix
- end — end keyword
- equal — (=) assignment , comparison, equal sign
- for — language keyword for loops
- global — Define global variable
- hat — (^) exponentiation
- if — conditional execution
- left — ([) left bracket
- less — (<) greater than comparison
- minus — (-) substraction operator, sign changes
- not — (~) logical not
- parents — ( ) left and right parenthesis
- percent — (%) special character
- plus — (+) addition operator
- power — power operation (^,.^)
- quote — (') transpose operator, string delimiter
- return — return or resume execution and copy some local variables
- select — select keyword
- semicolon — ending expression and row separator
- slash — (/) right division and feed back
- star — (*) multiplication operator
- then — keyword in if-then-else
- tilda — (~) logical not
- try — beginning of catch block in try-catch control instruction
- while — while keyword
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