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Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída

  • Directory
    • chdirmuda o diretório corrente do Scilab
    • createdirmakes new directory
    • dirgets file list
    • isdirchecks that a path points to an existing directory
    • lsshows files
    • mkdirmakes a new directory
    • pwdgets Scilab current directory
    • removedirremoves a directory
    • rmdirremoves a directory
  • file_system
    • copyfilecopies a file
    • deletefiledeletes a file
    • fileinfoFornece informações sobre um arquivo
    • findfilesfinding all files with a given file specification
    • isfilechecks whether argument is an existing file
    • listfileslist of files
    • mdeletedeletes file(s)
    • movefilemoves file or directory
    • newestretorna o arquivo mais novo de um conjunto de arquivos
  • Paths - Filenames
    • basenamestrip directory and suffix from filenames
    • fileextreturns extension for a file path
    • filepartsreturns the path, filename and extension for a file path
    • filesepreturns directory separator for current platform
    • fullfilebuilds a full filename from parts
    • fullpathcreates an full path name for the specified relative path name.
    • get_absolute_file_pathfornece o nome de endereço absoluto de um arquivo aberto no Scilab
    • getdrivesgets the drive letters of all mounted filesystems on the computer
    • getlongpathnamegets long path name
    • getrelativefilenamedado um nome de diretório absoluto e um nome de arquivo relativo, retorna um nome de arquivo relativo.
    • getshortpathnamegets short path name
    • is_absolute_pathchecks if argument is an absolute path
    • pathconvertconverts a path to an OS path format.
    • pathsepprovides the path separator used in the PATH environment variable of the current OS.
    • splitURLSplit an URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
    • tempnamecreates a file with an unique filename
  • compressCompress files in an archive
  • decompressdecompress files from an archive
  • dispfilesdisplays properties of opened files
  • fprintfMatwrites a matrix in a file
  • fscanfMatreads a matrix from a text file
  • getmd5retorna soma de verificação md5
  • getURLDownload an URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP...)
  • hashget checksum of file or string using various digest algorithms
  • %ioprotected variable providing ids of the standard input and standard output
  • listvarinfilelists variables stored in a binary archive (names, types, sizes..)
  • mclearerrresets binary file access errors
  • mclosecloses opened files
  • meofchecks if end of file has been reached
  • merrortests the file access errors indicator
  • mfprintfconverts, formats, and writes data to a file
  • mfscanfreads input from the stream pointer stream (interface to the C fscanf function)
  • mgetparses numbers in a binary file and returns them as decimals
  • mgetlreads lines from an text file
  • mgetstrreads a character string from a file
  • mopenopens files in Scilab
  • mputwrites byte or word in a given binary format
  • mputlwrites strings in a text file
  • mputstrwrite a single text in an open file
  • mseeksets current position in a binary file
  • mtellReturns the offset of the current byte relative to the beginning of a file
  • save formatformat of files produced by "save"
  • scanfconverts formatted input on standard input
  • scanf_conversionmscanf, msscanf, mfscanf conversion specifications
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Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
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Last updated:
Mon Jun 17 17:53:24 CEST 2024