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Справка Scilab >> Statistics


  • Cumulated Distribution Functions
    • binomialвероятности по биномиальному распределению
    • cdfbetcumulative distribution function Beta distribution
    • cdfbincumulative distribution function Binomial distribution
    • cdfchicumulative distribution function chi-square distribution
    • cdfchncumulative distribution function non-central chi-square distribution
    • cdffcumulative distribution function Fisher distribution
    • cdffnccumulative distribution function non-central f-distribution
    • cdfgamcumulative distribution function gamma distribution
    • cdfnbncumulative distribution function negative binomial distribution
    • cdfnorcumulative distribution function normal distribution
    • cdfpoicumulative distribution function poisson distribution
    • cdftcumulative distribution function Student's T distribution
  • Mean Central Tendency
    • centercenter
    • geomeangeometric mean
    • harmeanharmonic mean : inverse of the inverses average (without zeros)
    • meanmean (row mean, column mean) of vector/matrix entries
    • meanfweighted mean of a vector or a matrix
    • medianmedian (row median, column median,...) of vector/matrix/array entries
    • trimmeantrimmed mean of a vector or a matrix
    • wcentercenter and weight
  • Dispersion widths
    • iqrinterquartile range
    • madmean absolute deviation
    • stdevstandard deviation (row or column-wise) of vector/matrix entries
    • stdevfstandard deviation
    • strangerange
    • variancevariance (and mean) of a vector or matrix (or hypermatrix) of real or complex numbers
    • variancefvariance (and mean) of a vector or matrix of frequency-weighted real or complex numbers
  • Empirical distribution
    • cmomentcentral moments of all orders
    • histccomputes the histogram of a simple series of data
    • momentnon central moments of all orders
    • perctlcomputation of percentils
    • quartcomputation of quartiles
    • tabulfrequency of values of a matrix or vector
  • Multivariate Correl Regress PCA
    • correlcorrelation of two variables
    • covSample covariance matrix
    • covarcovariance of two variables
    • pcaComputes principal components analysis with standardized variables
    • princompPrincipal components analysis
    • reglinLinear regression
    • show_pcaVisualization of principal components analysis results
  • Sampling
    • sampleSampling with replacement
    • samplefsample values with replacement from a population with given frequencies.
    • samwrSampling without replacement
  • Data with Missing Values
    • nancumsumThis function returns the cumulative sum of the values of a matrix
    • nand2meandifference of the means of two independent samples
    • nanmeanmean (ignoring Nan's)
    • nanmeanfmean (ignoring Nan's) with a given frequency.
    • nanmedianmedian of the values of a numerical vector or matrix
    • nanreglinLinear regression
    • nanstdevstandard deviation (ignoring the NANs).
    • nansumSum of values ignoring NAN's
    • thrownanEliminates nan values
  • Hypothesis Testing
    • ftestFisher ratio
    • ftuneqFisher ratio for samples of unequal size.
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:54:57 CET 2020