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Справка Scilab >> Polynomials


  • bezoutGCD of two polynomials or two integers, by the Bezout method
  • chepolChebychev polynomial
  • cmndredcommon denominator form
  • coeffcoefficients of matrix polynomial
  • coffgCo-factors of a matrix of polynomials or rationals
  • colcomprcolumn compression of polynomial matrix
  • degreedegree of polynomial matrix
  • derivatRational matrix derivative
  • determdeterminant of polynomial matrix
  • detrpolynomial determinant
  • diophantSolves the diophantine (Bezout) equation p1*x1 + p2*x2 = b
  • factorsnumeric real factorization
  • hermitHermite form
  • hornerpolynomial/rational evaluation
  • hrmtgcd of polynomials
  • htrianrtriangularization of polynomial matrix
  • inv_coeffпостроение матрицы полиномов по их коэффициентам
  • invrinversion of (rational) matrix
  • lcmdiagleast common multiple diagonal factorization
  • ldivpolynomial matrix long division
  • pdivpolynomial division
  • pol2strpolynomial to string conversion
  • polfactminimal factors
  • polyОпределение полинома через указанные корни или коэффициенты или определение характеристического полинома квадратной матрицы.
  • рациональное числообъекты Scilab, рациональное число в Scilab
  • residuresidue
  • rootsroots of polynomials
  • rowcomprrow compression of polynomial matrix
  • sfactdiscrete time spectral factorization
  • simprational simplification
  • simp_modetoggle rational simplification
  • sylmSylvester matrix of two polynomials
  • varnСимволические переменных полиномами или рациональные дроби
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:54:56 CET 2020