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Aide de Scilab >> Graphiques > Fenêtres - Figures > anti_aliasing


Figure's property smoothing the stair-like aspect when rendering curves


When some curves or parts of curves have a small slope with respect to the horizontal or vertical direction of ranges of screen pixels, their raw rendering shows a stair-like aspect.

Figures have an .anti_aliasing property that can be used to smooth this rendering effect. Possible values are 'off', '2x', '4x', '8x', or '16x'.

Enabling the anti-aliasing decreases the rendering speed of graphics. In average, the time spent to build and display graphics varies approximately according to the following factors:
time spent11.


x = [0 1];
y = (0:0.025:1)';
y = [y y+0.02]';

th = 0:2:360;
xe = 4*cosd(th); xe = (0.1:0.05:1)' * xe;
ye = sind(th);   ye = (0.1:0.05:1)' * ye;


i = 0;
for aa = ['off' '4x' '16x']
    f = scf(i);
    f.axes_size = [300 600];
    f.figure_position(1) = 100+300*i;
    f.anti_aliasing = aa;  // <<<<<<<<
    title(".anti_aliasing = ''"+aa+"''", "fontsize",4);
    i = i+1;

See also

  • Figure properties — description of the graphics figure entity properties
  • usecanvas — Get/Set the main component used for Scilab graphics.
  • lighting — Lighting overview
  • pixel_drawing_mode — mode d'actualisation des couleurs RVB des pixels lors des tracés graphiques
  • system_setproperty — set a system property for a given JVM key to a given value.
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Last updated:
Tue Feb 25 08:50:26 CET 2020