Scilab 5.4.0
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
'time-frequency' wigner spectrum
Calling Sequence
- tab
wigner spectrum (lines correspond to the time variable)
- x
analyzed signal
- h
data window
- deltat
analysis time increment (in samples)
- zp
length of FFT's.
gives the frequency increment.
function which computes the 'time-frequency' wigner spectrum of a signal.

a=[488^2 488 1;408^2 408 1;568^2 568 1]; b=[1.28;0;0]; x=a\b; t=408:568; p=x'*[t.*t;t;ones(t)]; // unit step function u=[0*ones(408:487) ones(488:568)]; // finite duration sinusoid s=p.*sin(2*%pi/16*t+u*%pi); // signal to be analyzed s=[0*ones(0:407) s 0*ones(569:951)]; // 64-point rectangular window h=ones(1,64); // wigner spectrum w=wigner(s,h,12,128); scf(); plot3d(1:69,1:64,abs(w(1:69,1:64)));
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