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Ajuda Scilab >> Processamento de Sinais > filters > frmag


magnitude of FIR and IIR filters

Calling Sequence




a single input, single output discrete transfer function, or a polynomial or the vector of polynomial coefficients, the filter.


a polynomial or the vector of polynomial coefficients, the numerator of the filter


a polynomial or the vector of polynomial coefficients, the denominator of the filter (the default value is 1).


integer, the number of points in frequency response.


vector of magnitude of frequency response at the points fr.


points in the normalized frequency domain where magnitude is evaluated.


calculates the magnitude of the frequency responses of FIR and IIR filters. The filter description can be one or two vectors of coefficients, one or two polynomials, or a single output discrete transfer function.

the frequency discretisation is given by fr=linspace(0,1/2,npts).


hz=iir(3,'bp','cheb1',[.15 .25],[.08 .03]);
hz=iir(3,'bp','ellip',[.15 .25],[.08 .03]);

See Also

  • iir — iir digital filter
  • eqfir — minimax approximation of FIR filter
  • repfreq — frequency response
  • calfrq — frequency response discretization
  • phasemag — phase and magnitude computation
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Last updated:
Mon Oct 01 17:39:45 CEST 2012