Scilab 5.4.0
- Aide Scilab
- Scilab
- Calcul différentiel, Intégration
- Fonctions Elémentaires
- Algèbre Lineaire
- Interpolation
- CACSD (Computer Aided Control Systems Design)
- Polynômes
- Traitement du Signal
- Fonctions spéciales
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage (binding de ARPACK)
- Statistiques
- Matrices creuses
- Interface avec UMFPACK (sparse)
- Optimisation et Simulation
- Algorithmes génétiques
- Simulated Annealing
- Gestion des fichiers XML
- Entrées/Sorties [fichiers]
- Entrées/Sorties
- Graphiques
- Graphiques: export et impression
- Interface graphique
- Structures
- Parameters
- Booléens
- Entiers
- Chaînes de caractères
- Manipulation de fichiers sons
- Heure et date
- Sorties
- Xcos
- Tableur
- Console
- Gestion de l'historique
- Lecture/Ecriture de fichiers binaires Matlab
- Aide à la conversion Matlab vers Scilab
- Fonctions de compatibilité
- Fonctions avancées
- Outils de développement
- Outils pour les démonstrations
- Link dynamique/incremental
- Interface avec Tcl/Tk
- Editeur de texte (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Gestion de l'aide en ligne
- Parallel
- Gestionnaire de modules externe
- Localisation
- API Scilab
- API call_scilab (moteur Scilab)
- Interface avec Java
- Intersci
- Outils Windows
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Optimisation et Simulation
- Neldermead
- fminsearch — Computes the unconstrained minimimum of given function with the Nelder-Mead algorithm.
- neldermead — Provides direct search optimization algorithms.
- neldermead_overview — An overview of the Nelder-Mead toolbox.
- nmplot — Provides direct search optimization algorithms.
- optimget — Queries an optimization data structure.
- optimplotfunccount — Plot the number of function evaluations of an optimization algorithm
- optimplotfval — Plot the function value of an optimization algorithm
- optimplotx — Plot the value of the parameters of an optimization algorithm
- optimset — Configures and returns an optimization data structure.
- Optimization base
- optimbase — Provides an abstract class for a general optimization component.
- Optimization simplex
- optimsimplex — Manage a simplex with arbitrary number of points.
- Semidefinite Programming
- aplat — Flattens a list.
- list2vec — Concatenates list entries in a matrix.
- lmisolver — Solve linear matrix inequations.
- lmitool — Graphical tool for solving linear matrix inequations.
- pack — Compress a list of block-diagonal symmetric matrices.
- recons — Inverse function for aplat.
- semidef — Solve semidefinite problems.
- unpack — Uncompress a list of block-diagonal symmetric matrices.
- vec2list — Inverse function of list2vec.
- fsolve — résout un système d'équations non-linéaires
- NDcost — generic external for optim computing gradient using finite differences
- datafit — Parameter identification based on measured data
- derivative — approximate derivatives of a function
- fit_dat — Parameter identification based on measured data
- karmarkar — Solves a linear optimization problem.
- leastsq — Solves non-linear least squares problems
- lsqrsolve — minimize the sum of the squares of nonlinear functions, levenberg-marquardt algorithm
- optim — non-linear optimization routine
- qld — linear quadratic programming solver
- qp_solve — linear quadratic programming solver builtin
- qpsolve — linear quadratic programming solver
- readmps — Reads a Linear Program from a MPS file.
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