Scilab 5.4.0
- Scilab help
- Scilab
- Differential calculus, Integration
- Elementary Functions
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolation
- CACSD (Computer Aided Control Systems Design)
- Polynomials
- Signal Processing
- Special Functions
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage (ARPACK binding)
- Statistics
- Sparse Matrix
- UMFPACK Interface (sparse)
- Optimization and Simulation
- Genetic Algorithms
- Simulated Annealing
- XML Management
- Files : Input/Output functions
- Input/Output functions
- Graphics
- Graphics : exporting and printing
- Data Structures
- Parameters
- Boolean
- Integers
- Strings
- Sound file handling
- Time and Date
- Output functions
- Xcos
- Spreadsheet
- Console
- History manager
- Matlab binary files I/O
- Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
- Compatibility Functions
- Advanced functions
- Development tools
- Demo Tools
- Dynamic/incremental Link
- Tcl/Tk Interface
- Text editor (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Online help management
- Parallel
- Modules manager
- Localization
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API (Scilab engine)
- Java Interface
- Intersci
- Preferences
- Windows tools
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
- Cumulated Distribution Functions
- cdfbet — cumulative distribution function Beta distribution
- cdfbin — cumulative distribution function Binomial distribution
- cdfchi — cumulative distribution function chi-square distribution
- cdfchn — cumulative distribution function non-central chi-square distribution
- cdff — cumulative distribution function F distribution
- cdffnc — cumulative distribution function non-central f-distribution
- cdfgam — cumulative distribution function gamma distribution
- cdfnbn — cumulative distribution function negative binomial distribution
- cdfnor — cumulative distribution function normal distribution
- cdfpoi — cumulative distribution function poisson distribution
- cdft — cumulative distribution function Student's T distribution
- Central Tendency
- Data with Missing Values
- nancumsum — Thos function returns the cumulative sum of the values of a matrix
- nand2mean — difference of the means of two independent samples
- nanmax — max (ignoring Nan's)
- nanmean — mean (ignoring Nan's)
- nanmeanf — mean (ignoring Nan's) with a given frequency.
- nanmedian — median of the values of a numerical vector or matrix
- nanmin — min (ignoring Nan's)
- nanstdev — standard deviation (ignoring the NANs).
- nansum — Sum of values ignoring NAN's
- thrownan — Eliminates nan values
- Descriptive Statistics
- center — center
- correl — correlation of two variables
- covar — covariance of two variables
- median — median (row median, column median,...) of vector/matrix/array entries
- msd — mean squared deviation
- mvvacov — computes variance-covariance matrix
- st_deviation — standard deviation (row or column-wise) of vector/matrix entries
- stdevf — standard deviation
- variance — variance of the values of a vector or matrix
- variancef — standard deviation of the values of a vector or matrix
- wcenter — center and weight
- Hypothesis Testing
- Measures of Dispersion
- Measures of Shape
- Principal Component Analysis
- Regression
- regress — regression coefficients of two variables
- Sampling
- Summaries
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