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Manuel Scilab >> Scilab > Mots clef Scilab > equal


(=) assignment , comparison, equal sign



The equal sign = is used to denote the assignment of value(s) to variable(s). The syntax can be :

  • a=expr where a is a variable name and expr a scilab expression which evaluates to a single result.

  • [a,b,...]=expr where a,b,... are variable names and expr a scilab expression which results in as many results as given variable names.


The equal sign = is also used in the comparison operators:

  • a==b, denotes equality comparison between the values of the expressions a and b.

  • a~=b, denotes inequality comparison between the values of the expressions a and b:

  • a<=b and a>=b denotes ordering comparison between the values of the expressions a and b:

See comparison for semantic details.


a = sin(3.2)
M = [2.1,3.3,8.5;7.6,6.7,6.9;0,6.3,8.8];
[u,s] = schur(M)
[1:10] == 4 
<< comparison Mots clef Scilab less >>

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Last updated:
Wed Jan 26 16:24:00 CET 2011