- Scilab Online Help
- Scilab
- Scilab keywords
- abort
- add_demo
- argn
- banner
- boolean
- break
- clear
- clearfun
- clearglobal
- comp
- continue
- debug
- delbpt
- dispbpt
- edit
- errcatch
- errclear
- error
- error_table
- exists
- exit
- external
- extraction
- format
- funcprot
- funptr
- getdebuginfo
- getmd5
- getmemory
- getmodules
- getos
- getscilabmode
- getshell
- getvariablesonstack
- getversion
- gstacksize
- ieee
- insertion
- intppty
- inv_coeff
- iserror
- isglobal
- lasterror
- macr2lst
- macr2tree
- matrices
- matrix
- mode
- mtlb_mode
- names
- newfun
- null
- pause
- perl
- poly
- predef
- quit
- rational
- readgateway
- resume
- sciargs
- scilab
- setbpt
- stacksize
- startup
- symbols
- testmatrix
- type
- typename
- user
- varn
- ver
- warning
- what
- where
- whereami
- who
- who_user
- whos
- with_atlas
- with_javasci
- with_macros_source
- with_module
- with_pvm
- with_texmacs
- with_tk
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
scilab function compilation
Calling Sequence
comp(function [,opt])
- function
a scilab function, not compiled (type 11)
- opt
flag with value 0 (default), 1 or 2.
compiles the function
. Compiled and interpreted functions are
equivalent but usually compiled functions are much faster. The functions
provided in the standard libraries are compiled.
The online definition as well as the short syntax of the commands
and deff
generate compiled
functions. So comp has to be used in very particular cases. To produce
uncompiled functions one must use exec or
deff with the option "n"
The value opt==2 causes the function to be compiled "for profiling". Note that now it is possible to add profiling instruction after compilation using the add_profiling function.
The obsolete opt==1 option was specific to code analysis purposes and is now ignored, i.e treated as opt==0.
Note: the compilation takes part "in place", i.e the original function is modified and no new object is created.
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