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See the recommended documentation of this function

Scilab Help >> Graphics > text > xstringl


compute a box which surrounds strings





vector of 4 real scalars defining the box.


real scalars, coordinates of the lower-left point of the strings.


matrix of strings.

Starting from Scilab 5.2, it is possible to write LaTeX or MathML expression.


an integer specifying the font type. For more information, see graphics_fonts


an integer specifying the font size. For more information, see graphics_fonts


xstringl returns in rect=[x,y,w,h] (upper-left point, width, height) the size of a rectangle in the current graphic scale which would surround the strings str drawn at location x,y (lower-left point).

The result can be approximative when using the Postscript driver.


plot2d([0, 1], [0, 1], 0);
str = ["$\underleftrightarrow{Scilab}$" "is"; "not" "elisaB"]; // Only valid from Scilab 5.2
r = xstringl(0.5, 0.7, str);
xrects([r(1) r(2)+r(4) r(3) r(4)]');
xstring(r(1), r(2), str);

str = ["Scilab" "is"; "not" "Matlab"];
r2 = xstringl(0.2, 0.2, str, 5, 7);
xrects([r2(1) r2(2)+r2(4) r2(3) r2(4)]');
xstring(r2(1), r2(2), str)
txt = gce();
txt.font_size = 7;
txt.font_style = 5;
plot2d([0, 1], [0, 1], 0);
// Only valid from Scilab 5.2
mathml = "<mrow>" +..
            "<mfrac>" +..
                "<mrow>" +..
                    "<mi> d </mi>" +..
                    "<mi> y </mi>" +..
                "</mrow>" +..
                "<mrow>" +..
                    "<mi>d</mi>" +..
                    "<mi>x</mi>" +..
                "</mrow>" +..
            "</mfrac>" +..
                "<mo> = </mo>" +..
            "<mfrac>" +..
                "<mn> 1 </mn>" +..
                "<msup>" +..
                    "<mi> y </mi>" +..
                    "<mn> 2 </mn>" +..
                "</msup>" +..
            "</mfrac>" +..
str=["SCILAB", "can write LaTeX :", "$\frac{abc}{xyz}$"; "or", "MathML :", mathml];
r2 = xstringl(0.2, 0.4, str, 10, 4);
xrects([r2(1) r2(2)+r2(4) r2(3) r2(4)]');
xstring(r2(1), r2(2), str);
txt = gce();
txt.font_size = 4;
txt.font_style = 10;
plot2d([0, 6],[0, 6], 0);
str=["$\underleftrightarrow{\tiny{Scilab}}$"; "$\underleftrightarrow{\scriptsize{Scilab}}$";
     "$\underleftrightarrow{\footnotesize{Scilab}}$"; "$\underleftrightarrow{\small{Scilab}}$";
     "$\underleftrightarrow{\normalsize{Scilab}}$"; "$\underleftrightarrow{\large{Scilab}}$";
     "$\underleftrightarrow{\Large{Scilab}}$"; "$\underleftrightarrow{\LARGE{Scilab}}$";
     "$\underleftrightarrow{\huge{Scilab}}$"; "$\underleftrightarrow{\Huge{Scilab}}$"];
r = xstringl(0.5, 0.5, str, 5, 3);
xrects([r(1); r(2)+r(4); r(3); r(4)]);
xstring(r(1), r(2), str);
txt = gce();
txt.font_size = 3;
txt.font_style = 5;
txt.font_color = 2;

str = ["${\tiny{\frac{x}{y}}$", "${\scriptsize{\frac{x}{y}}$", ..
       "${\footnotesize{\frac{x}{y}}$", "${\small{\frac{x}{y}}$", ..
       "${\normalsize{\frac{x}{y}}$", "${\large{\frac{x}{y}}$", ..
       "${\Large{\frac{x}{y}}$", "${\LARGE{\frac{x}{y}}$", ..
       "${\huge{\frac{x}{y}}$", "$\Huge{\frac{x}{y}}$"];
r = xstringl(2, 0.5, str, 0, 3);
xrects([r(1); r(2)+r(4); r(3); r(4)]);
xstring(r(1), r(2), str);
txt = gce();
txt.font_size = 3;
txt.font_style = 0;
txt.font_color = 2;

See also

  • titlepage — add a title in the middle of a graphics window
  • xstring — draw strings
  • xstringl — compute a box which surrounds strings
  • xtitle — add titles on a graphics window
  • stringbox — Compute the bounding rectangle of a text or a label.
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with contributors
Last updated:
Mon Feb 12 19:26:51 CET 2018