surface properties
description of the 3D entities properties
The Surface entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. Two
classes appears under this type of entity : Plot3d
according to the plotting function or the way data is
entered. Fac3d
and Plo3d
entities are similar
but Fac3d
is more complete and accept more options than
. To always have Fac3d
entities, simply
use genfac3d
to pre-build matrices before using
or use the surf
Here are the properties contained in a surface entity:
- parent:
This property contains the handle of the parent. The parent of the surface entity should be of type
.- children:
This property contains a vector with the
of the handle. However, surface handles currently do not have anychildren
.- visible:
- "on" (default): The surface is displayed, possibly with its mesh and markers.
- "off" : The surface and its mesh and markers are hidden.
- surface_mode:
- "on" (default): facets (body and edges) are drawn.
- "off" : facets (body and edges)
are hidden. But markers -- if any -- are still displayed
(provided that
.mark_mode = "on"
- foreground:
color_mode >= 0
, this field contains the color index used to draw the edges. If not, foreground is not used at all. The foreground value should be an integer color index (relative to the current colormap).- thickness:
This property is a positive real specifying the width of facets contours in pixels. The displayed width is actually determined by rounding the supplied width to the nearest integer. The only exception is vectorial export where the whole
value is considered.- mark_mode:
This field contains the default
property value for the surface. Its value should be"on"
(marks drawn) or"off"
(no marks drawn).- mark_style:
property value is used to select the type of mark to use whenmark_mode
property is"on"
. The value should be an integer in [0 20]. The figure below shows the aspects of the marks depending on themark_style
and themark_foreground
properties.- mark_size_unit:
This field contains the default
property value. Ifmark_size_unit
is set to"point"
, then themark_size
value is directly given in points. Whenmark_size_unit
is set to"tabulated"
is computed relative to the font size array: therefore, its value should be an integer in [0 5] which stands for 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt and 24pt. Note that plot3d and pure scilab functions usetabulated
mode as default ; when using the surf (or plot for 2D lines) function, thepoint
mode is automatically enabled.- mark_size:
property is used to select the type of size of the marks whenmark_mode
property is"on"
. Its value should be an integer between 0 and 5 which stands for 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt and 24pt.- mark_foreground:
This field contains the
property value which is the marks' edge color. Its value should be a color index (relative to the current color_map) or 0 for transparent edge.- mark_background:
This field contains the
property value which is the marks' face color. Its value should be a color index (relative to the current color_map) or 0 for transparent face.- data:
This field defines a
data structure of type "3d" composed of a row and column indices of each element as the x-, y- and z-coordinates contained respectively indata.x
. The complementary field nameddata.color
is available in case a real color vector or matrix is specified. If none,data.color
is not listed. The surface is painted according tocolor_mode
properties.- color_mode:
color index in
[-size(colormap), size(colormap)]
If color_flag == 0 : The uniform color of the whole upward surface is set to the index
.In addition, whatever is
,color_mode = 0
makes facets hollow and displays only the surface's mesh.color_mode > 0
displays facets bodies and edges.color_mode < 0
hides the mesh and displays only facets bodies.
When it is displayed, the mesh color is set to
.- color_flag:
Chooses the algorithm used to set the color of the body of the upward face of facets, when it is displayed.
In addition,
rules the display of the mesh (facets edges) and/or body of facets.foreground
rules the line color and thickness of the mesh.hiddencolor
rules the color of the backward facets face.
Here below,
- nf stands for the number of facets of the surface.
- n stands for the number of vertices of each facet. All facets have the same number of vertices.
color_flag = 0 (uniform color) :
All facets are painted using the same color index and method defined by
(see above).color_flag = 1 (uniform color on each facet, mapping Z) :
The average Z of each facet is computed according to the Z of its vertices. Then the [Zmin, Zmax] range of facets Z is computed. Each facet gets its uniform color in [1, size(colormap)] according to its Z position in [Zmin, Zmax].
color_flag== 2,3 or 4 values are only available with
entities. These algorithms require thedata.color
input to set facets colors. Ifdata.color
is empty, thecolor_flag=1
fallback algorithm is used.color_flag = 2 ('flat' shading) :
All facets are painted using the color index given in the
property (one color per facet is needed). Two cases are then possible :data.color
is a vector of as manycolor
indices as there are facets,color(i)
being the color index for the facet#i
: the boundary of the facet is drawn with current line style and color.color(i)<0
: the facet's boundary is not drawn, and-color(i)
is used as facet's color.
is a matrix of color indices, of size (n,nf). Then, the actual color index of the facet is set to the average color of all its vertices.
color_flag = 3 (interpolated shading on each facet) :
Facets painting is done by interpolating their vertices colors. The indices of vertices color are given in the
property (one color per vertex is needed). Two cases are possible :data.color
is a vector ofnf
being the index of the flat uniform color of the facet#i
is a color matrix of size (n,nf): The facet #i is drawn with some graded colors interpolated between thecolor(:,i)
colors of its vertices.If the Z coordinate of vertices has been assigned todata.color
, this mode allows to map local Z with colors, down to the facet scale. See also the.cdata_mapping
color_flag = 4 (Matlab-like 'flat' shading) :
Same as
, except that, whendata.color
is a color matrix, each facet #i is painted with the uniformcolor(1,i)
of its first vertex (instead of the average color of all its vertices). Other vertices colors are ignored.
- cdata_mapping:
. Used only forcolor_flag=2|3|4
handles), with somedata.color
defined. Otherwise ignored."direct":
values are directly considered as color indices in the current colormap given bygcf().color_map
values are mapped to indices in the current colormap depending on the cdata_bounds and color_range properties defined below.
- cdata_bounds:
This vector of size 2,
, gives thedata.color
interval of values mapped to indices1:size(gcf().color_map,1)
of the current colormap or to an eventual subset defined by the color_range property. Values ofdata.color
are mapped respectively to the first and the last element of the colormap. By default, thecdata_bounds
property is[0,0]
which means thatcmin
are automatically set to the minimum and maximum ofdata.color
property.- color_range:
This vector of size 2,
[rmin, rmax]
, wherermin
stand for colormap indices, defines a subset of the current colormap for displaying the surface object. If they are both greater than 1, then the actual colormap used to display the fac3d entity isgcf().color_map(rmin:rmax,:)
. By default, thecolor_range
property value is[0,0]
which means that the whole colormap is used.- hiddencolor:
Positive index of the color of the uniform backward faces of all facets. If a negative or null value is provided, backward faces are painted with the same respective colors as the upward visible ones.
- clip_state:
This field contains the
property value for the surface. It should be :"off"
this means that the surface is not clipped."clipgrf"
this means that the surface is clipped outside the Axes box."on"
this means that the surface is clipped outside the rectangle given by property clip_box.
- clip_box:
This field is to determinate the
property. By Default its value should be an empty matrix if clip_state is "off". Other cases the vector[x,y,w,h]
(upper-left point width height) defines the portions of the surface to display, howeverclip_state
property value will be changed.- use_color_material:
This field is use to enable the use of the surface color as diffuse color. Its default value is
.- material_shininess:
This field defines the shininess level of the surface. This parameter controls the shinines color spreading in the surface. Any positive value can be used. Good values to use are in the [0 10] range, where low values generates strong highlight and high values generates barely perceptible highlights. The default value is
.- ambient_color:
This field defines the ambient color of the surface. The color is defined by a 3 element vector
"[red, green, blue]"
with each element in the range [0, 1]. The default value is"[1 1 1]"
.- diffuse_color:
This field defines the diffuse color of the surface. The color is defined by a 3 element vector
"[red, green, blue]"
with each element in the range [0, 1]. Notice that this field is only used when use_color_material is disabled. The default value is"[1 1 1]"
.- specular_color:
This field defines the specular color of the surface. The color is defined by a 3 element vector
"[red, green, blue]"
with each element in the range [0, 1]. The default value is"[1 1 1]"
.- user_data:
This field can be use to store any scilab variable in the surface data structure, and to retrieve it.
// create a figure and get its handle f = scf() t = [0:0.3:2*%pi]'; z=sin(t)*cos(t'); [xx,yy,zz] = genfac3d(t,t,z); // draw and get handle on the surface entity h = plot3d([xx xx],[yy yy],list([zz zz+4],[4*ones(1,400) 5*ones(1,400)])) a = gca(); //get current axes a.rotation_angles=[40,70]; a.grid=[1 1 1]; //make grids a.data_bounds=[-6,0,-1;6,6,5]; a.axes_visible="off"; // axes are hidden a.axes_bounds=[.2 0 1 1]; f.color_map=hot(64); // change the figure colormap h.color_flag=1; // color according to z h.color_mode=-2; // remove the facets boundary h.color_flag=2; // color according to given colors[1+modulo(1:400,64),1+modulo(1:400,64)]; // shaded h.color_flag=3; scf(); // create a second figure and use surf command subplot(211) surf(z,'cdata_mapping','direct','facecol','interp') subplot(212) e = surf(t,t,z,'edgeco','b','marker','d','markersiz',9,'markeredg','red','markerfac','k') e.color_flag=1 // color index proportional to altitude (z coord.) e.color_flag=2; // back to default mode e.color_flag= 3; // interpolated shading mode (based on blue default color because field data.color is not filled)
Example using cdata_bounds and color_range properties
When cdata_mapping
is set to "scaled"
(this is the default when using surf()
), these properties allow to have a full control on the mapping between the data.color
property of a Fac3d
entity and its actual colors shown on screen. For example, different subsets of the color map can be used for different entities belonging to the same figure and actual interval of data.color
values mapped to this subset:
clf; subplot(2,2,1); nc = 128; gcf().color_map = [coolwarm(nc); spectral(nc)]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(-1:0.1:1,-1:0.1:1); h = surf(X,Y,X.^2-Y.^2,"facecolor","interp","edgecolor") h.color_range = [nc+1 2*nc]; subplot(2,2,2); h = surf(X,Y,-X.^2-Y.^2,"facecolor","interp"); h.color_range = [1 nc]; subplot(2,2,3); h = surf(X,Y,X.^2-Y.^2,"facecolor","interp"); h.color_range = [nc+1 2*nc]; h.cdata_bounds = [0 1]; subplot(2,2,4); h = surf(X,Y,-X.^2-Y.^2,"facecolor","interp"); h.color_range = [1 nc]; h.cdata_bounds = [-1 -0.5];

See also
- set — set properties of some graphic objects or uimenus or uicontrol interactive components
- get — Gets the handle of a graphical or User Interface object, or the property's value of objects.
- delete — delete a graphic entity and its children.
- plot3d — 3D plot of a surface
- plot3d1 — 3D gray or color level plot of a surface
- plot3d2 — plot surface defined by rectangular facets
- surf — 3D surface plot
- grayplot_properties — description of the grayplot entities properties
- Matplot_properties — Description of the Matplot entities properties
- graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures
Version | Description |
2025.0.0 | cdata_bounds and color_range properties added. |
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