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Aide de Scilab >> Chaînes de caractères

Chaînes de caractères

  • asciistring ASCII conversions
  • asciimatconversion d'une matrice de chaînes ASCII
  • blankscreate string of blank characters
  • charconverts in a character array
  • convstrcase conversion
  • emptystrzero length string
  • evalévaluation d'une matrice de chaînes de caractères (obsolète)
  • evstrévalue des expressions Scilab et concatène leurs résultats
  • grepfind matches of a string in a vector of strings
  • isalphanumcheck that characters of a string are alphanumerics
  • isasciitests if character is a 7-bit US-ASCII character
  • isdigitcheck that characters of a string are digits between 0 and 9
  • islettercheck that characters of a string are alphabetic letters
  • isnumteste si une chaîne de caractères représente un nombre
  • justifyjustify character array
  • lengthlength of object
  • partExtraction of characters from strings
  • prettyprintConverts a Scilab object into some corresponding LaTeX, TeX or MathML string(s)
  • regexpfind a substring that matches the regular expression string
  • sci2expreturns a string able to generate a given Scilab object
  • strcatconcatenates character strings
  • strchrfind the first occurrence of a character in a string
  • strcmpcompare character strings
  • strcmpicompare character strings (case independent). This function is obsolete.
  • strcspnget span until character in string
  • strindexsearch position of a character string in another string
  • stringconversion en chaîne de caractères
  • stringsScilab Object, character strings
  • stripblanksstrips / trims leading or trailing or both blanks (and tabs) of strings
  • strncpycopy characters from strings
  • strrchrfind the last occurrence of a character in a string
  • strrevreturns string reversed
  • strsplitsplit a string into a vector of strings
  • strspnget span of character set in string
  • strstrlocate substring
  • strsubstsubstitute a character string by another in a character string
  • strtodconvertit chaque nombre décimal littéral (texte) en sa valeur numérique
  • strtoksplit string into tokens
  • tokenposreturns the tokens positions in a character string
  • tokensreturns the tokens of a character string
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Last updated:
Thu Feb 14 14:59:59 CET 2019