Scilab 6.0.2
- Aide de Scilab
- Scilab
- Intégration - dérivation
- Fonctions Elémentaires
- Algèbre Lineaire
- Interpolation
- Systèmes de Contrôle - CACSD
- Polynômes
- Traitement du Signal
- Fonctions spéciales
- ARnoldi PACKage (binding de ARPACK)
- Statistiques
- Matrices creuses
- Interface avec UMFPACK (sparse)
- Optimisation et Simulation
- Algorithmes génétiques
- Optimisation : recuit simulé
- Traitement XML
- HDF5 Management
- Entrées/Sorties [fichiers]
- Entrées/Sorties
- Graphiques
- Graphiques: export et impression
- Interface graphique
- Listes Structures Cells
- Parameters
- Entiers
- Chaînes de caractères
- Sons - fichiers audio
- Heure et date
- Sorties
- Xcos
- Tableur
- Console
- Historique des commandes
- Lecture/Ecriture de fichiers binaires Matlab
- Aide à la conversion Matlab vers Scilab
- Fonctions de compatibilité
- Fonctions avancées
- Tests - Bancs d'essais
- Outils pour les démonstrations
- Link dynamique/incremental
- Tcl/Tk
- Editeur de script
- UI Data
- Documentation : gestion
- Parallel
- Gestionnaire de modules externe
- Localisation
- API Scilab
- API call_scilab (moteur Scilab)
- Java depuis Scilab
- Interface avec Java
- Préférences
- Qualité
- Lint tool (SLint)
- Outils Windows
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
- Getting started — A short introduction to install and load ATOMS modules in Scilab.
- Functions Summary —
- atomsAutoload — Load the modules marked as "autoload"
- atomsAutoloadAdd — Add one or several modules to autoload
- atomsAutoloadDel — Remove one or several modules from the autoload system
- atomsAutoloadList — Get the list of modules registered to autoload
- atomsCategoryList — List available categories
- atomsCheckModule — Check the given list of ATOMS modules
- atomsDepTreeShow — Show the dependency tree of a module
- atomsGetConfig — Get ATOMS system parameters
- atomsGetInstalled — Get the list of installed external modules
- atomsGetInstalledPath — Get the install path of installed external modules
- atomsGetLoaded — Get the list of loaded external modules
- atomsGetLoadedPath — Returns the path of the installation directory of loaded external modules.
- atomsInstall — Install one or several external modules
- atomsIsInstalled — Determines whether the module is installed. Returns true if the module is installed, false otherwise.
- atomsIsLoaded — determines whether a module is loaded or not
- atomsList — List available external modules
- atomsLoad — Load one or several external modules
- atomsQuit — Unload (call .quit file of) external modules previously loaded by ATOMS
- atomsRemove — Remove one or several modules
- atomsRepositoryAdd — Add one or several URLs to the list of managed repositories
- atomsRepositoryDel — Remove one or several URLs from the list of managed repositories
- atomsRepositoryList — Get the list of managed repositories
- atomsRestoreConfig — Restore the configuration from the backup file
- atomsSaveConfig — Make a backup of the configuration file
- atomsSearch — Searches for external modules.
- atomsSetConfig — Manage ATOMS system parameters
- atomsShow — Show the characteristics of a module
- atomsSystemInit — Sets the rightful write access for the ATOMS system
- atomsSystemUpdate — Update the list of available modules
- atomsTest — Execute tests of given module installed
- atomsUpdate — Update one or several external modules
- atomsVersion — Show the ATOMS's version of Scilab
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