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Справка Scilab >> CACSD > noisegen


noise generation


b = noisegen(pas, Tmax, sig)



real scalar, the time increment


real scalar, the final time of the interval of noise generation


real scalar, the standard deviation of the noise


noisegen() generates a Scilab function b = Noise(t) where Noise(t) is a piecewise constant function (constant on [k*pas, (k+1)*pas]). The value on each constant interval are random values from i.i.d Gaussian variables of standard deviation sig. The function is constant for t <= 0 and t >= Tmax.

Note: Random number generator functions such as rand and grand are another alternative to generate noises from a wide variety of probability distribution (see example 2 below).


Example #1: noisegen()

noisegen(0.5, 30, 1.0);
x = -5:0.01:35;
y = feval(x, Noise);
plot(x, y);

Example #2: rand()

// Plot a zero mean gaussian white noise with the variance 1.
// To use a different variance, multiply rand() by the square root of the variance.
t = 0:.5:30;
sig = 1; // Standard deviation of the white gaussian noise
noise = sig*rand(t, "normal");
plot2d2(t, noise);

See also

  • rand — Случайные числа
  • grand — Случайные числа
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Last updated:
Mon Feb 12 20:08:36 CET 2018