Scilab 6.0.1
- Ajuda do Scilab
- Scilab
- Equações Diferenciais
- Funções Elementares
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolação
- Polinômios
- Processamento de Sinais
- Funções Especiais
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Estatística
- Matrizes Esparsas
- Interfaces com UMFPACK (sparse)
- Otimização e Simulação
- Algoritmos Genéticos
- Arrefecimento Simulado
- XML Management
- HDF5 Management
- Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída
- Funções de Entrada/Saída
- Biblioteca de Gráficos
- Gráficos : exportando e imprimindo
- Estruturas de Dados
- Parâmetros
- Booleanos
- Inteiros
- Cadeias de Caracteres (Strings)
- Manipulação de Arquivos de Som
- Data e Hora
- Funções de Saída
- Xcos
- Planilhas
- Console
- Gerenciador de histórico
- Entrada/Saída de Arquivos Matlab Binários
- Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab
- Funções de Compatibilidade
- Funções
- Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento
- Ferramentas de Demonstração
- Link Dinâmico/incremental
- Ferramentas Windows
- Interfaces com Tcl/Tk
- Scilab editor (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Gerenciamento de ajuda online
- Parallel
- Modules manager
- Localização
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API
- Java from Scilab
- Interface Java
- Preferences
- Lint tool (SLint)
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
API Scilab
- legacy
- boolean
- isBooleanType — Check if it is a boolean variable.
- getScalarBoolean — Read scalar boolean data from a gateway argument.
- createScalarBoolean — Create scalar boolean variable in Scilab memory.
- boolean example — Boolean use case.
- Boolean Sparse
- isBooleanSparseType — Check if it is a boolean sparse variable.
- getAllocatedBooleanSparseMatrix — Get sparse matrix attributes.
- freeAllocatedBooleanSparse — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedBooleanSparseMatrix function.
- boolean sparse example — Boolean sparse use case.
- How to
- Calling a scilab function (macros) from a C gateway — Calling a scilab function (macros) from a C interface
- CheckLhs (deprecated) — C macro which checks the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function. This function is obsolete.
- CheckRhs (deprecated) — C macro which checks the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function. This function is obsolete.
- Lhs (deprecated) — A C gateway function which provides the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function This function is obsolete.
- LhsVar (deprecated) — a C gateway function which specifies which parameters created inside the C gateway will be returned as an output argument into Scilab. This function is obsolete.
- Rhs (deprecated) — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function This function is obsolete.
- sci_types — a C enumeration which defines the types available for a variable
- Scierror — C gateway function which displays an error message to the user (same profile as the printf function) and returns an integer value specifying an error level
- sciprint — A C gateway function which displays standard messages to the user (same profile as the C printf function)
- How to
- double
- isDoubleType — Check if it is a double variable.
- getScalarDouble — Get scalar double variable.
- getScalarComplexDouble — Get scalar complex double variable.
- createScalarDouble — Create a scalar double in Scilab memory.
- createScalarComplexDouble — Create a scalar complex double in Scilab memory.
- double example — Double use case.
- handle
- isHandleType — Check if it is a handle variable.
- getScalarHandle — Read scalar handle data from a gateway argument.
- createScalarHandle — Create scalar handle variable in Scilab memory.
- handle example — Handle use case.
- hypermat
- isHypermatType — Check if it is a hypermatrix variable.
- getHypermatOfDouble — Get a hypermatrix of double variable.
- getHypermatOfInt — Get a hypermatrix of integer variable.
- integer
- isIntegerType — Check if it is a double variable.
- getScalarInteger8 — Get scalar integer variable.
- createScalarInteger8 — Create scalar integer variable.
- integer example — Integer use case.
- List manipulation
- isListType, isTListType, isMListType — Check if it is a list, mlist, tlist variable.
- Boolean reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of boolean in a list.
- Boolean writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of boolean in a list.
- Boolean sparse reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read boolean sparse in a list.
- Boolean sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add boolean sparse matrix in a list.
- Create List (Scilab gateway) — How to get create a list in Scilab memory.
- Double reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of double in a list.
- Double writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of double in a list.
- Get child item (Scilab gateway) — How to get the address of a list child.
- Item Number (Scilab gateway) — How to get the number of items in a list (list, mlist, tlist).
- Integer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of integer in a list.
- Integer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of integer in a list.
- Pointer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read pointer in a list.
- Pointer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add pointer in a list.
- Polynomial reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of polynomial in a list.
- Polynomial writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of polynomial in a list.
- Sparse reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read sparse in a list.
- Sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add sparse matrix in a list.
- String reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of string in a list.
- String writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add matrix of string in a list.
- Low level functions
- AssignOutputVariable — a C gateway function which specifies which parameters created inside the C gateway will be returned as an output argument into Scilab.
- Boolean reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of boolean.
- Boolean writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of boolean.
- Boolean sparse reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read boolean sparse in a gateway.
- Boolean sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to add boolean sparse matrix in a gateway.
- CallOverloadFunction — a C gateway function uses to call overload function or macro
- Check variable dimensions (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway functions which check dimensions of a variable.
- CheckInputArgument — C function which checks the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function.
- CheckOutputArgument — C function which checks the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function.
- Variable Reference (Scilab gateway) — How to get the address of an argument or a variable in a gateway.
- Variable dimension (Scilab gateway) — How to get the dimensions of an argument or a variable stored as matrix.
- Variable Type (Scilab gateway) — How to get the type of an argument or a variable within a gateway.
- Variable Complexity (Scilab gateway) — How to get the argument or variable complexity.
- Matrix Type (Scilab gateway) — How to know if an argument or a variable is stored as a matrix.
- deleteNamedVariable — a C gateway function uses to delete a variable from name
- Double reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of double in a gateway.
- Double writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of doubles in a gateway.
- getNbInputArgument (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function
- getNbOutputArgument (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway function which provides the number of output arguments present in the calling Scilab function
- Handle reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrix of handle.
- Handle writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of handle.
- Integer Precision (Scilab gateway) — How to get precision of an integer matrix.
- Integer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of integer in a gateway.
- Integer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of integers in a gateway.
- nbInputArgument (Scilab gateway) — A C gateway function which provides the number of input arguments present in the calling Scilab function
- Pointer reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read pointer in a gateway.
- Pointer writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write pointer in a gateway.
- Polynomial Symbolic Variable (Scilab gateway) — How to get the symbolic variable name.
- Polynomial reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of polynomials in a gateway.
- Polynomial writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of polynomials in a gateway.
- ReturnArguments — A C gateway function which returns the various variables.
- Sparse matrix reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read sparse matrices in a gateway.
- Sparse writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write sparse matrix in a gateway.
- String reading (Scilab gateway) — How to read matrices of strings in a gateway.
- String writing (Scilab gateway) — How to write matrices of string in a gateway.
- UpdateStack — A C gateway function which update stack information with your modifications.
- optionals
- polynomial
- isPolyType — Check if it is a polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedSinglePoly — Get single polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedSinglePoly — Get single complex polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedMatrixOfPoly — Get matrix of polynomial variable.
- getAllocatedMatrixOfComplexPoly — Get matrix of complex polynomial variable.
- freeAllocatedSinglePoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- freeAllocatedSingleComplexPoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSingleComplexPoly function.
- freeAllocatedSinglePoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- freeAllocatedSinglePoly — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- polynomial example — Polynom use case.
- sparse
- isSparseType — Check if it is a sparse variable.
- getAllocatedSparseMatrix — Get sparse matrix variable.
- getAllocatedComplexSparseMatrix — Get complex sparse matrix variable.
- freeAllocatedSparseMatrix — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSparseMatrix function.
- freeAllocatedComplexSparseMatrix — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedComplexSparseMatrix function.
- sparse example — Sparse use case.
- string
- isStringType — Check if it is a string variable.
- getAllocatedSingleString — Get single string variable.
- getAllocatedMatrixOfString — Get matrix of string variable.
- createSingleString — create a single string variable.
- freeAllocatedSingleString — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedSinglePoly function.
- freeAllocatedMatrixOfString — Free memory allocated by getAllocatedMatrixOfString function.
- string example — String use case.
- api_scilab — api_scilab is the Scilab interface to read/write data from/to Scilab memory
- boolean
- API Scilab — api_scilab is the Scilab 6 interface to access Scilab variables.
- scilabOpt — It is a list of optional arguments given in the call.
- Getting started with API_Scilab — How to load a C, C++ or fortran code in the Scilab engine as a new function
- API double functions —
- API common functions —
- API string functions —
- API boolean functions —
- API integer functions —
- API list-type functions —
- API polynomial functions —
- API pointer functions —
- API cell functions —
- API struct functions —
- API handle functions —
- API optional functions —
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