Scilab 5.5.0
- Ajuda do Scilab
- Scilab
- Equações Diferenciais
- Funções Elementares
- Linear Algebra
- Interpolação
- Polinômios
- Processamento de Sinais
- Funções Especiais
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Estatística
- Matrizes Esparsas
- Interfaces com UMFPACK (sparse)
- Otimização e Simulação
- Algoritmos Genéticos
- Arrefecimento Simulado
- XML Management
- HDF5 Management
- Arquivos : funções de Entrada/Saída
- Funções de Entrada/Saída
- Biblioteca de Gráficos
- Gráficos : exportando e imprimindo
- Estruturas de Dados
- Parâmetros
- Booleanos
- Inteiros
- Cadeias de Caracteres (Strings)
- Manipulação de Arquivos de Som
- Data e Hora
- Funções de Saída
- Xcos
- Planilhas
- Console
- Gerenciador de histórico
- Entrada/Saída de Arquivos Matlab Binários
- Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab
- Funções de Compatibilidade
- Funções
- Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento
- Ferramentas de Demonstração
- Link Dinâmico/incremental
- Interfaces com Tcl/Tk
- Scilab editor (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Gerenciamento de ajuda online
- Parallel
- Modules manager
- Localização
- API Scilab
- call_scilab API
- Java from Scilab
- Interface Java
- Intersci
- Preferences
- Ferramentas Windows
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Dicas de Conversão de Matlab para Scilab
- Matlab-Scilab equivalents
- A
- abs (Matlab function) — Absolute value and complex magnitude
- acos (Matlab function) — Inverse cosine
- acosh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cosine
- acot (Matlab function) — Inverse cotangent
- acoth (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cotangent
- acsc (Matlab function) — Inverse cosecant
- acsch (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic cosecant
- all (Matlab function) — Test to determine if all elements are nonzero
- angle (Matlab function) — Phase angle
- any (Matlab function) — Test to determine if any nonzeros elements
- asec (Matlab function) — Inverse secant
- asech (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic secant
- asin (Matlab function) — Inverse sine
- asinh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic sine
- atan (Matlab function) — Two-quadrant inverse tangent
- atan2 (Matlab function) — Four-quadrant inverse tangent
- atanh (Matlab function) — Inverse hyperbolic tangent
- B
- balance (Matlab function) — Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy
- bar (Matlab function) — Bar histogram
- barh (Matlab function) — Bar histogram horizontal
- beep (Matlab function) — Produce a beep sound
- besseli (Matlab function) — Modified Bessel functions of the first kind
- besselj (Matlab function) — Bessel functions of the first kind
- besselk (Matlab function) — Modified Bessel functions of the second kind
- bessely (Matlab function) — Bessel functions of the second kind
- beta (Matlab function) — Beta function
- bin2dec (Matlab function) — Returns the integer corresponding to a Given binary representation
- bitand (Matlab function) — The AND of two integers
- bitcmp (Matlab function) — The binary complementary of an integer
- bitget (Matlab function) — Gets the bit of an integer whose the positon is given in the input argument
- bitor (Matlab function) — The OR of two integers
- bitxor (Matlab function) — Returns the exclusive OR of two integers
- blanks (Matlab function) — A string of blanks
- blkdiag (Matlab function) — Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments
- box (Matlab function) — Display axes border
- break (Matlab function) — Terminate execution of a for loop or while loop
- C
- case (Matlab function) — Case switch
- cat (Matlab function) — Arrays concatenation
- cd (Matlab function) — Change/get working directory
- ceil (Matlab function) — Round up
- cell (Matlab function) — Create cell array
- cell2mat (Matlab function) — Convert a cell array into a matrix
- cellstr (Matlab function) — Convert strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell of strings
- chol (Matlab function) — Cholesky factorization
- cla (Matlab function) — Clear current axes
- clc (Matlab function) — Clear Command Window
- clear (Matlab function) — Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory
- clf (Matlab function) — Clear current figure window
- clock (Matlab function) — Current time as a date vector
- close (Matlab function) — Delete specified figure
- closereq (Matlab function) — Default figure close request function
- colordef (Matlab function) — Set default property values to display different color schemes
- complex (Matlab function) — Returns the complex form corresponding to the given real part and imaginary part
- conj (Matlab function) — Complex conjugate
- continue (Matlab function) — Keyword to pass control to the next iteration of a loop
- conv (Matlab function) — 1-D Convolution
- conv2 (Matlab function) — 2-D Convolution
- cos (Matlab function) — Cosine
- cosh (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic cosine
- cot (Matlab function) — Cotangent
- coth (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic cotangent
- cputime (Matlab function) — Elapsed CPU time
- csc (Matlab function) — Cosecant
- csch (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic cosecant
- cumprod (Matlab function) — Cumulative product
- cumsum (Matlab function) — Cumulative sum
- D
- date (Matlab function) — Current date string
- dec2bin (Matlab function) — The binary representation of a decimal number
- dec2hex (Matlab function) — Decimal to hexadecimal number conversion
- delete (Matlab function) — Delete files or graphics objects
- det (Matlab function) — Determinant
- diag (Matlab function) — Diagonal including or extracting
- diary (Matlab function) — Save session to a file
- diff (Matlab function) — Differences and approximate derivatives
- dir (Matlab function) — Display directory listing
- disp (Matlab function) — Display text or array
- display (Matlab function) — Overloaded method to display an object
- doc (Matlab function) — Display online documentation
- docopt (Matlab function) — Web browser for UNIX platforms
- dos (Matlab function) — Execute a UNIX command and return result
- double (Matlab function) — Conversion to double precision
- drawnow (Matlab function) — Complete pending drawing events
- E
- echo (Matlab function) — Echo lines during execution
- eig (Matlab function) — Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- else (Matlab function) — Conditionally execute statements
- elseif (Matlab function) — Conditionally execute statements
- erf (Matlab function) — Error function
- erfc (Matlab function) — Complementary error function
- erfcx (Matlab function) — Scaled complementary error function
- error (Matlab function) — Display error messages
- etime (Matlab function) — Elapsed time
- eval (Matlab function) — Execute a string containing an instruction/expression
- exist (Matlab function) — Check if a variable or file exists
- exit (Matlab function) — Ends current session
- exp (Matlab function) — Exponential
- expm (Matlab function) — Matrix exponential
- eye (Matlab function) — Identity matrix
- F
- factor (Matlab function) — Prime numbers decomposition
- false (Matlab function) — False array
- fclose (Matlab function) — Close one or more open files
- feof (Matlab function) — Test for end-of-file
- ferror (Matlab function) — Query about errors in file input or output
- feval (Matlab function) — Function evaluation
- fft (Matlab function) — Discrete Fourier transform
- fftshift (Matlab function) — Shift zero-frequency component of discrete Fourier transform to center of spectrum
- fgetl (Matlab function) — Read line(s) from file, discard newline character
- fgets (Matlab function) — Read line from file, keep newline character
- fileparts (Matlab function) — Return filename parts
- filesep (Matlab function) — Return the directory separator for this platform
- find (Matlab function) — Find indices and values of nonzero elements
- findstr (Matlab function) — Find one string within another
- fix (Matlab function) — Round towards zero
- fliplr (Matlab function) — Flip matrix in left/right direction
- flipud (Matlab function) — Flip matrix in up/down direction
- floor (Matlab function) — Round down
- fopen (Matlab function) — Open a file or obtain information about open files
- for (Matlab function) — Repeat statements a specific number of times
- format (Matlab function) — Control display format for output
- fprintf (Matlab function) — Write formatted data to file
- fread (Matlab function) — Read binary data to a file
- frewind (Matlab function) — Move the file position indicator to the beginning of an open file
- fscanf (Matlab function) — Read formatted data to file
- fseek (Matlab function) — Set file position indicator
- ftell (Matlab function) — Get file position indicator
- full (Matlab function) — Convert sparse matrix to full matrix
- fullfile (Matlab function) — Build a full filename from parts
- function (Matlab function) — Function definition
- fwrite (Matlab function) — Write binary data to a file
- G
- gamma (Matlab function) — Gamma function
- gammaln (Matlab function) — Logarithm of gamma function
- getenv (Matlab function) — Get environment variable
- global (Matlab function) — Define a global variable
- graymon (Matlab function) — Set graphics defaults for gray-scale monitors
- grid (Matlab function) — Grid lines for two- and three-dimensional plots
- H
- hankel (Matlab function) — Hankel matrix
- help (Matlab function) — Display help
- helpbrowser (Matlab function) — Display Help browser for access to full online documentation
- helpdesk (Matlab function) — Display Help browser
- helpwin (Matlab function) — Provide access to and display help for all functions
- hess (Matlab function) — Hessenberg form of a matrix
- hold (Matlab function) — Hold current graph
- home (Matlab function) — Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the Command Window
- horzcat (Matlab function) — Horizontal concatenation
- I
- if (Matlab function) — Conditionally execute statements
- ifft (Matlab function) — Inverse discrete Fourier transform
- ifftshift (Matlab function) — Inverse FFT function
- imag (Matlab function) — Complex imaginary part
- input (Matlab function) — Request user input
- int16 (Matlab function) — Convert to 16-bit signed integer
- int32 (Matlab function) — Convert to 32-bit signed integer
- int8 (Matlab function) — Convert to 8-bit signed integer
- interp1 (Matlab function) — One_dimension interpolation function
- inv (Matlab function) — Matrix inverse
- isa (Matlab function) — Detect an object of a given type
- iscell (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a cell array
- ischar (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a character array
- isdir (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a directory
- isempty (Matlab function) — True for empty matrix
- isequal (Matlab function) — Determine if arrays are numerically equal
- isfield (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a structure array field
- isfinite (Matlab function) — True for finite elements
- isglobal (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a global variable
- ishandle (Matlab function) — Determines if values are valid graphics object handles
- ishold (Matlab function) — Return hold state
- isinf (Matlab function) — True for infinite elements
- isinteger (Matlab function) — Detect whether an array has integer data type
- isletter (Matlab function) — True for letters of the alphabet
- islogical (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a logical array
- ismember (Matlab function) — Data sets membership comparison
- isnan (Matlab function) — Detect NaN elements of an array
- isnumeric (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a numeric array
- ispc (Matlab function) — Determine if PC (Windows) version
- isreal (Matlab function) — Determine if all array elements are real numbers
- isscalar (Matlab function) — Determine if input is scalar
- isspace (Matlab function) — Detect elements that are ASCII white spaces
- issparse (Matlab function) — Test if matrix is sparse
- isstr (Matlab function) — Determine if item is a character array
- isstruct (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a structure array
- isunix (Matlab function) — Determine if Unix version
- isvector (Matlab function) — Determine if input is a vector
- K
- keyboard (Matlab function) — Invoke the keyboard in a file
- kron (Matlab function) — Kronecker tensor product
- L
- length (Matlab function) — Length of vector
- linspace (Matlab function) — Linearly spaced vector
- load (Matlab function) — Load workspace variables from disk
- log (Matlab function) — Natural logarithm
- log10 (Matlab function) — Common (base 10) logarithm
- log2 (Matlab function) — Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating point number
- logical (Matlab function) — Convert numeric values to logical
- lookfor (Matlab function) — Search for specified keyword in all help entries
- lower (Matlab function) — Convert string to lower case
- lu (Matlab function) — LU matrix factorization
- M
- max (Matlab function) — Maximum
- min (Matlab function) — Minimum
- mkdir (Matlab function) — Make new folder
- mod (Matlab function) — Modulus after division
- more (Matlab function) — Display Command Window output one screenful at a time
- N
- nargin (Matlab function) — Number of function input arguments
- nargout (Matlab function) — Number of function output arguments
- ndims (Matlab function) — Number of array dimensions
- norm (Matlab function) — Vector and matrix norms
- nthroot (Matlab function) — Real nth root of real numbers
- null (Matlab function) — Null space of a matrix
- num2str (Matlab function) — Number to string conversion
- O
- ones (Matlab function) — Create an array of all ones
- otherwise (Matlab function) — Default part of switch/select statement
- pause (Matlab function) — Halt execution temporarily
- Operators
- + (Matlab operator) — Plus
- & (Matlab operator) — Logical AND
- : (Matlab operator) — Colon
- .\ (Matlab operator) — Elementwise left division
- .* (Matlab operator) — Elementwise multiplication
- .^ (Matlab operator) — Elementwise exponent
- ./ (Matlab operator) — Elementwise right division
- .' (Matlab operator) — Elementwise transpose
- == (Matlab operator) — Equal to
- > (Matlab operator) — Greater than
- >= (Matlab operator) — Greater or equal to
- \ (Matlab operator) — Left division
- < (Matlab operator) — Smaller than
- <= (Matlab operator) — Smaller or equal to
- * (Matlab operator) — Multiplication
- ~ (Matlab operator) — Negation
- ~= (Matlab operator) — Not equal to
- | (Matlab operator) — Logical OR
- ^ (Matlab operator) — Exponent
- / (Matlab operator) — Right division
- - (Matlab operator) — Minus
- ' (Matlab operator) — Transpose
- P
- perms (Matlab function) — Array of all permutations of vector components
- permute (Matlab function) — Permute the dimensions of an array
- pie (Matlab function) — circular graphic
- plot (Matlab function) — Linear 2-D plot
- pow2 (Matlab function) — Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers
- primes (Matlab function) — Returns the primes numbers included between 1 and given number
- prod (Matlab function) — Product of array elements
- Q
- qr (Matlab function) — Orthogonal-triangular decomposition
- quit (Matlab function) — Terminate session
- R
- rand (Matlab function) — Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays
- randn (Matlab function) — Normally distributed random numbers and arrays
- randperm (Matlab function) — Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays
- rcond (Matlab function) — Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate
- real (Matlab function) — Real part of a complex number
- realmax (Matlab function) — Largest positive floating-point number
- realmin (Matlab function) — Smallest positive floating-point number
- rem (Matlab function) — Remainder after division
- repmat (Matlab function) — Replicate and tile an array
- reshape (Matlab function) — Reshape array
- return (Matlab function) — Return to the invoking function
- round (Matlab function) — Round to nearest integer
- S
- save (Matlab function) — Save workspace variables from disk
- schur (Matlab function) — Schur decomposition
- setstr (Matlab function) — Set string flag
- sign (Matlab function) — Signum function
- sin (Matlab function) — Sine
- sinh (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic sine
- size (Matlab function) — Array dimension
- sort (Matlab function) — Sort elements in ascending order
- sparse (Matlab function) — Create sparse matrix
- sqrt (Matlab function) — Square root
- strcmp (Matlab function) — Compare strings
- strcmpi (Matlab function) — Compare strings ignoring case
- strfind (Matlab function) — Find one string within another
- strrep (Matlab function) — String search and replace
- struct (Matlab function) — Create struct array
- sum (Matlab function) — Sum of array elements
- surf (Matlab function) — 3-D surface plot
- svd (Matlab function) — Singular value decomposition
- switch (Matlab function) — Switch among several cases based on expression
- T
- tan (Matlab function) — Tangent
- tanh (Matlab function) — Hyperbolic tangent
- tic (Matlab function) — Starts a stopwatch timer
- title (Matlab function) — Display a title on a graphic window
- toc (Matlab function) — Read the stopwatch timer
- toeplitz (Matlab function) — Toeplitz matrix
- tril (Matlab function) — Lower triangular part of a matrix
- triu (Matlab function) — Upper triangular part of a matrix
- true (Matlab function) — True array
- type (Matlab function) — List file
- U
- uigetdir (Matlab function) — Standard dialog box for selecting a directory
- uint16 (Matlab function) — Convert to 16-bit unsigned integer
- uint32 (Matlab function) — Convert to 32-bit unsigned integer
- uint8 (Matlab function) — Convert to 8-bit unsigned integer
- unix (Matlab function) — Execute a UNIX command and return result
- upper (Matlab function) — Convert string to upper case
- V
- varargin (Matlab function) — Pass variable numbers of arguments
- varargout (Matlab function) — Return variable numbers of arguments
- vertcat (Matlab function) — Vertical concatenation
- Variables
- ans (Matlab variable) — The most recent answer
- end (Matlab variable) — Last index
- eps (Matlab variable) — Floating-point relative accuracy
- i (Matlab variable) — Imaginary unit
- j (Matlab variable) — Imaginary unit
- pi (Matlab variable) — Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
- W
- waitforbuttonpress (Matlab function) — Wait for key or mouse button press
- warning (Matlab function) — Display warning messages
- while (Matlab function) — Repeat statements an indefinite number of times
- who (Matlab function) — List variables in the workspace
- whos (Matlab function) — List variables in the workspace
- winqueryreg (Matlab function) — Get item from Microsoft Windows registry
- X
- xlabel (Matlab function) — Display a string along the x axis
- Y
- ylabel (Matlab function) — Display a string along the y axis
- Z
- zeros (Matlab function) — Create an array of all zeros
- zlabel (Matlab function) — Display a string along the z axis
- A
- About M2SCI tools — Generally speaking about tools to convert Matlab files to Scilab
- Contents — Create a tree containing contents inference data
- Cste — Create a tree representing a constant
- Equal — Create a tree representing an instruction
- Funcall — Create a tree representing a function call
- Infer — Create a tree containing inference data
- Matlab-Scilab_character_strings — Generally speaking about...
- Operation — Create a tree representing an operation
- Type — Create a tree containing type inference data
- Variable — Create a tree representing a variable
- get_contents_infer — Search for information in a "M2SCi tlist" contents
- m2scideclare — Giving tips to help M2SCI...
- matfile2sci — converts a Matlab 5 MAT-file into a Scilab binary file
- mfile2sci — Matlab M-file to Scilab conversion function
- sci_files — How to write conversion functions
- translatepaths — convert a set of Matlab M-files directories to Scilab
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