- Scilab help
- Linear Algebra
- aff2ab
- balanc
- bdiag
- chfact
- chol
- chsolve
- classmarkov
- cmb_lin
- coff
- colcomp
- companion
- cond
- det
- eigenmarkov
- ereduc
- expm
- fstair
- fullrf
- fullrfk
- genmarkov
- givens
- glever
- gschur
- gspec
- hess
- householder
- im_inv
- inv
- kernel
- kroneck
- linsolve
- lsq
- lu
- lyap
- nlev
- orth
- pbig
- pencan
- penlaur
- pinv
- polar
- proj
- projspec
- psmall
- qr
- quaskro
- randpencil
- range
- rank
- rankqr
- rcond
- rowcomp
- rowshuff
- rref
- schur
- spaninter
- spanplus
- spantwo
- spec
- sqroot
- squeeze
- sva
- svd
- sylv
- trace
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Calling Sequence
det(X) [e,m]=det(X)
- X
real or complex square matrix, polynomial or rational matrix.
- m
real or complex number, the determinant base 10 mantissae
- e
integer, the determinant base 10 exponent
( m*10^e
is the determinant of the square matrix X
For polynomial matrix det(X)
is equivalent to determ(X)
For rational matrices det(X)
is equivalent to detr(X)
det computations are based on the Lapack routines DGETRF for real matrices and ZGETRF for the complex case.
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