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Scilab help >> API Scilab > Scilab Gateway API > How to > How to access a matrix

How to access a matrix

How to access a matrix using the C gateway functions


WARNING: This API is deprecated from Scilab 5.2.0 and is going to be removed with Scilab 6.0. Please use API Scilab (the new Scilab API).

The goal is to get a matrix of doubles send to a function written in C.

For this, we will wrote a C gateway function in which we will retrieve the matrix, we will perform some simple steps in this C function:

  • First, we will get an access to the matrix in the Scilab memory

  • We will perform some simple operations on the matrix (in this example, we will multiply by 2 each elements of the matrix)

  • We will return the result to Scilab

This example is available in the directory SCI/modules/core/examples/ex1.

The C function

#include <stack-c.h>

int sci_multiply_by_two(char * fname)
  int m_in_var, n_in_var, l_in_var;
  int m_out_var, n_out_var, l_out_var;
  int i_row, j_col;
  double * pMatrix = NULL;

  // First, access to the input variable (a matrix of doubles)
  GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m_in_var, &n_in_var, &l_in_var);

  // Create the returned variable (a matrix of doubles)
  m_out_var = m_in_var;
  n_out_var = n_in_var;
  CreateVar(2, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &m_out_var, &n_out_var, &l_out_var);

  pMatrix = stk(l_in_var);

  // Perform some simple operations on the matrix
  for(i_row=0; i_row<m_in_var; i_row++)
      for(j_col=0; j_col<n_in_var; j_col++)
          pMatrix[i_row + j_col * m_out_var] = 2 * pMatrix[i_row + j_col * m_in_var];

  // Return the output variable
  LhsVar(1) = 2;

  return 0;

This file must be saved as "multiply_by_two.c".

The main thing to highlight is that, to build a C gateway function, we need to include the header stack-c.h. In this header, we find the prototypes and macros of the main C gateway functions.

To be able to build and link such a C function to scilab, we need to write a Scilab script which will compile this C function and then create a loader script which will link the C function to a Scilab function.

The builder script

// This is the builder.sce 
// must be run from this directory 


ilib_name  = 'lib_multiply_by_two';

files = ['multiply_by_two.c'];

libs  = [];

table =['multiply_by_two', 'sci_multiply_by_two'];

ldflags = "";
cflags  = "";
fflags  = "";


This file must be saved as "builder.sce".

This script will tell Scilab which files must be compiled (here, it's multiply_by_two.c), what will be the name of the shared library (here, it's lib_multiply_by_two) and which C symbol will be linked to a Scilab function (here, we will link the sci_multiply_by_two C symbol to the Scilab function "multiply_by_two").

To build this function, we just need to to:

exec builder.sce;

Now we are able to test our new C function. First, let's load this new function in scilab:

exec loader.sce;

The script loader.sce is normally automatically built by builder.sce.

Testing our new function

We now write a simple example to test our new function.

A = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 11 12 13 14 15];

B = multiply_by_two(A);


The script must be saved as "test.sce".

Let's run our scripts and see what is the result:

-->exec builder.sce;
   Generate a gateway file
   Generate a loader file
   Generate a Makefile
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy multiply_by_two.c to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy lib_multiply_by_two.c to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Modification of the Makefile in TMPDIR.
   Running the makefile
-->exec loader.sce;
Shared archive loaded.
Link done.
-->exec test.sce;
    2.     4.     6.     8.     10.  
    12.    14.    16.    18.    20.  
    22.    24.    26.    28.    30.  

This simple function has produced a new matrix which corresponds to the matrix transmitted as an input argument and for which each element of the matrix has been multiplied by 2.

Rebuilding a gateway function

Let's imagine that our gateway function has already been build and we would like to make some changes in our function (multiply by 3 instead of 2).

How do we perform such a changes without restarting Scilab ?

First, we need to list all the dynamic libraries which has been loaded into Scilab. The can be done using the link('show') function:

Number of entry points 1.
Shared libraries :
[ 0 ] : 1 libraries.
Entry point lib_multiply_by_two in shared library 0.
 ans  =

Here, in our current Scilab session, only 1 dynamic library has been loaded. This library has a reference number. For our library, it's "0". Now that we know the reference number of our library, we are able to:

  • unload this library (using the function ulink(0) - 0 is the reference number of our library)

  • perform some modification in the source code of our C gateway function (replace multiply by 2 by 3)

  • rebuild the C gateway function (exec builder.sce;)

  • load the modified C gateway function into scilab (exec loader.sce;)

This is what is done is the following example:

-->exec builder.sce;
   Generate a gateway file
   Generate a loader file
   Generate a Makefile
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy compilation files (Makefile*, libtool...) to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy multiply_by_two.c to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Copy lib_multiply_by_two.c to TMPDIR
   ilib_gen_Make: Modification of the Makefile in TMPDIR.
   Running the makefile
-->exec loader.sce;
Shared archive loaded.
Link done.
-->exec test.sce;
    3.     6.     9.     12.    15.  
    18.    21.    24.    27.    30.  
    33.    36.    39.    42.    45.

See Also

  • GetRhsVar — a C gateway function which allows to access an argument transmitted to a Scilab function
  • Scilab C Types — the C types available in a C gateway
  • CreateVar — a C gateway function which allows to create a new Scilab parameter
  • LhsVar — a C gateway function which specifies which parameters created inside the C gateway will be returned as an output argument into Scilab.
  • stk — Return a pointer to a double to access data stored at a given position in the Scilab memory
  • ilib_build — utility for shared library management
  • link — dynamic linker
  • ulink — unlink a dynamically linked shared object
<< Calling a scilab function (macros) from a C gateway How to How to check parameters >>

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Copyright (c) 2017-2022 (ESI Group)
Copyright (c) 2011-2017 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Thu Mar 03 11:01:00 CET 2011