Scilab 5.3.1
- Aide Scilab
- Scilab
- Equations Differentielles
- Fonctions Elémentaires
- Algèbre Lineaire
- Interpolation
- Polynômes
- Traitement du Signal
- Fonctions spéciales
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Statistiques
- Matrices creuses
- Interface avec UMFPACK (sparse)
- Optimisation et Simulation
- Algorithmes génétiques
- Simulated Annealing
- Calculs formels
- Entrées/Sorties [fichiers]
- Entrées/Sorties
- Bibliothèque graphique
- Graphiques: export et impression
- Interface graphique
- Structures
- Parameters
- Booléens
- Entiers
- Chaînes de caractères
- Manipulation de fichiers sons
- Heure et date
- Sorties
- Xcos
- Tableur
- Shell
- Console
- Completion
- Gestion de l'historique
- Lecture/Ecriture de fichiers binaires Matlab
- Aide à la conversion Matlab vers Scilab
- Fonctions de compatibilité
- Interface avec Maple
- Overloading
- Fonctions
- Outils de développement
- Outils pour les démonstrations
- Link dynamique/incremental
- Interface avec Tcl/Tk
- Editeur de texte (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Gestion de l'aide en ligne
- Parallel
- Calculs Parallèles avec PVM
- Gestionnaire de modules externe
- Localisation
- API Scilab
- API call_scilab (moteur Scilab)
- Interface avec Java
- Intersci
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Chaînes de caractères
- eval — évaluation d'une matrice de chaînes de caractères
- evstr — évaluation d'une expression
- string — conversion en chaîne de caractères
- ascii — string ascii conversions
- blanks — Create string of blank characters
- code2str — returns character string associated with Scilab integer codes.
- convstr — case conversion
- emptystr — zero length string
- grep — find matches of a string in a vector of strings
- isalphanum — check that characters of a string are alphanumerics
- isascii — tests if character is a 7-bit US-ASCII character
- isdigit — check that characters of a string are digits between 0 and 9
- isletter — check that characters of a string are alphabetics letters
- isnum — tests if a string represents a number
- justify — Justify character array.
- length — length of object
- part — extraction of strings
- regexp — find a substring that matches the regular expression string
- sci2exp — converts an expression to a string
- str2code — return scilab integer codes associated with a character string
- strcat — concatenate character strings
- strchr — Find the first occurrence of a character in a string
- strcmp — compare character strings
- strcmpi — compare character strings (case independent)
- strcspn — Get span until character in string
- strindex — search position of a character string in an other string.
- strings — Scilab Object, character strings
- stripblanks — Strips / trims leading and trailing blanks (and tabs) of strings
- strncmp — Copy characters from strings
- strrchr — Find the last occurrence of a character in a string
- strrev — returns string reversed
- strsplit — split a string into a vector of strings
- strspn — Get span of character set in string
- strstr — Locate substring
- strsubst — substitute a character string by another in a character string.
- strtod — Convert string to double.
- strtok — Split string into tokens
- tokenpos — returns the tokens positions in a character string.
- tokens — returns the tokens of a character string.
- tree2code — generates ascii definition of a Scilab function
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