Scilab 5.3.1
- Aide Scilab
- Scilab
- Equations Differentielles
- Fonctions Elémentaires
- Algèbre Lineaire
- Interpolation
- Polynômes
- Traitement du Signal
- Fonctions spéciales
- Randlib
- ARnoldi PACKage
- Statistiques
- Matrices creuses
- Interface avec UMFPACK (sparse)
- Optimisation et Simulation
- Algorithmes génétiques
- Simulated Annealing
- Calculs formels
- Entrées/Sorties [fichiers]
- Entrées/Sorties
- Bibliothèque graphique
- Graphiques: export et impression
- Interface graphique
- Structures
- Parameters
- Booléens
- Entiers
- Chaînes de caractères
- Manipulation de fichiers sons
- Heure et date
- Sorties
- Xcos
- Tableur
- Shell
- Console
- Completion
- Gestion de l'historique
- Lecture/Ecriture de fichiers binaires Matlab
- Aide à la conversion Matlab vers Scilab
- Fonctions de compatibilité
- Interface avec Maple
- Overloading
- Fonctions
- Outils de développement
- Outils pour les démonstrations
- Link dynamique/incremental
- Interface avec Tcl/Tk
- Editeur de texte (Scinotes)
- UI Data
- Gestion de l'aide en ligne
- Parallel
- Calculs Parallèles avec PVM
- Gestionnaire de modules externe
- Localisation
- API Scilab
- API call_scilab (moteur Scilab)
- Interface avec Java
- Intersci
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
However, this page did not exist in the previous stable version.
Calculs Parallèles avec PVM
- pvm — communications with other applications using Parallel Virutal Machine
- pvm_addhosts — add hosts to the virtual machine.
- pvm_barrier — blocks the calling process until all processes in a group have called it.
- pvm_bcast — broacasts a message to all members of a group
- pvm_bufinfo — Returns information about a message buffer.
- pvm_config — sends a message
- pvm_delhosts — deletes hosts from the virtual machine.
- pvm_error — Prints message describing an error returned by a PVM call
- pvm_exit — tells the local pvmd that this process is leaving PVM.
- pvm_f772sci — Convert a F77 complex into a complex scalar
- pvm_get_timer — Gets the system's notion of the current time.
- pvm_getinst — returns the instance number in a group of a PVM process.
- pvm_gettid — returns the tid of the process identified by a group name and instance number
- pvm_gsize — returns the number of members presently in the named group.
- pvm_halt — stops the PVM daemon
- pvm_joingroup — enrolls the calling process in a named group.
- pvm_kill — Terminates a specified PVM process.
- pvm_lvgroup — Unenrolls the calling process from a named group.
- pvm_mytid — returns the tid of the calling process.
- pvm_parent — tid of the process that spawned the calling process.
- pvm_probe — Check if message has arrived.
- pvm_recv — receive a message.
- pvm_reduce — Performs a reduce operation over members of the specified group
- pvm_sci2f77 — Convert complex scalar into F77
- pvm_send — immediately sends (or multicast) data.
- pvm_set_timer — Sets the system's notion of the current time.
- pvm_spawn — Starts new Scilab processes.
- pvm_spawn_independent — Starts new PVM processes.
- pvm_start — Start the PVM daemon
- pvm_tasks — information about the tasks running on the virtual machine.
- pvm_tidtohost — returns the host of the specified PVM process.
- pvmd3 — PVM daemon
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