Scilab 5.3.1
- Scilab help
- Files : Input/Output functions
- basename
- chdir
- copyfile
- createdir
- deletefile
- dir
- dirname
- dispfiles
- fileext
- fileinfo
- fileparts
- filesep
- findfiles
- fprintf
- fprintfMat
- fscanf
- fscanfMat
- fullfile
- fullpath
- get_absolute_file_path
- getdrives
- getlongpathname
- getrelativefilename
- getshortpathname
- %io
- isdir
- isfile
- listfiles
- listvarinfile
- ls
- maxfiles
- mclearerr
- mclose
- mdelete
- meof
- merror
- mfprintf
- mscanf
- mget
- mgetl
- mgetstr
- mkdir
- mopen
- movefile
- mput
- mputl
- mputstr
- mseek
- mtell
- newest
- pathconvert
- pathsep
- pwd
- removedir
- rmdir
- save_format
- scanf
- scanf_conversion
- sscanf
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Make new directory
Calling Sequence
createdir('dirname') status = createdir('dirname')
createdir('dirname') creates the directory dirname in the current directory, if dirname is not in the current directory, specify the relative path to the current directory or the full path for dirname.
[status] = createdir('dirname') creates the directory dirname in the existing directory parentdir, returning the status, a message. Here, status is %T for success and %F otherwise.
createdir is used by mkdir.
createdir(SCIHOME+'/Directory_test') removedir(SCIHOME+'/Directory_test')
- A.C
<< copyfile | Files : Input/Output functions | deletefile >> |