- Manual Scilab
- Estatística
- cdfbet
- cdfbin
- cdfchi
- cdfchn
- cdff
- cdffnc
- cdfgam
- cdfnbn
- cdfnor
- cdfpoi
- cdft
- center
- wcenter
- cmoment
- correl
- covar
- ftest
- ftuneq
- geomean
- harmean
- iqr
- labostat
- mad
- mean
- meanf
- median
- moment
- msd
- mvvacov
- nancumsum
- nand2mean
- nanmax
- nanmean
- nanmeanf
- nanmedian
- nanmin
- nanstdev
- nansum
- nfreq
- pca
- perctl
- princomp
- quart
- regress
- sample
- samplef
- samwr
- show_pca
- st_deviation
- stdevf
- strange
- tabul
- thrownan
- trimmean
- variance
- variancef
Please note that the recommended version of Scilab is 2025.0.0. This page might be outdated.
See the recommended documentation of this function
Visualization of principal components analysis results
Calling Sequence
- lambda
is a p x 2 numerical matrix. In the first column we find the eigenvalues of V, where V is the correlation p x p matrix and in the second column are the ratios of the corresponding eigenvalue over the sum of eigenvalues.
- facpr
are the principal factors: eigenvectors of V. Each column is an eigenvector element of the dual of
.- N
Is a 2x1 integer vector. Its coefficients point to the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix
ordered by decreasing values of eigenvalues. IfN
. is missing, we supposeN=[1 2]
This function visualize the pca results.
Carlos Klimann
Saporta, Gilbert, Probabilites, Analyse des Donnees et Statistique, Editions Technip, Paris, 1990.
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