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Manuel Scilab >> Bibliothèque graphique > Gestion des couleurs > colormap


using colormaps


A colormap cmap is defined by a m x 3 matrix. m is the number of colors. Color number i is given as a 3-uple cmap(i,1), cmap(i,2) cmap(i,3) corresponding respectively to red, green and blue intensity between 0 and 1.

At the beginning, 32 colors are defined in the colormap. You can change the colormap of a figure by using set(f,"color_map",cmap) where f is the handle of the figure.

Each color in the colormap has an id you have to use to specify color in most plot functions. To see the ids, use function getcolor.

The functions hotcolormap, jetcolormap and graycolormap provide colormaps with continuous variation of the colors.

You can get the default colormap by cmap=get(sdf(),"color_map").


cmap=[r g b];
f=gcf(); f.color_map=cmap;
<< colordef Gestion des couleurs coolcolormap >>

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Last updated:
Wed Jan 26 16:24:15 CET 2011