Dialog for interactive vector/matrix input.
result=x_mdialog(title, labels, default_inputs_vector) result=x_mdialog(title, labels, default_inputs_vector, ispassword) result=x_mdialog(title, labelsv, labelsh, default_input_matrix)
- title
column vector of strings, dialog general comment
- labels
n column vector of strings,
is the label of the ith required value- default_inputs_vector
n column vector of strings,
is the initial value of the ith required value- ispassword
n column vector of booleans: if
value is%T
, the ith entry/input will be used to get a password, the characters typed by the user will be hidden and returned value will contains a single string. Default value is%F
.This parameter is not managed for matrix case.- labelsv
n vector of strings,
is the label of the ith line of the required matrix- labelsh
m vector of strings,
is the label of the jth column of the required matrix- default_input_matrix
n x m matrix of strings,
is the initial value of the (i,j) element of then required matrix- result
n x m matrix of string if returned with "Ok" button or [] if returned with "Cancel" button
Opens a dialog for interactive vector/matrix input.
txt = ['magnitude';'frequency';'phase ']; sig = x_mdialog('enter sine signal',txt,['1';'10';'0']) mag = evstr(sig(1)) frq = evstr(sig(2)) ph = evstr(sig(3))
rep = x_mdialog(['System Simulation';'with PI regulator'],... ['P gain';'I gain '],[' ';' '])
sz = [4,3]; default_input_matrix = string(int32(rand(sz(1), sz(2)) * 200 - 100)); labelsv = 'row '+string(1:sz(1)); labelsh = 'col '+string(1:sz(2)); rep = x_mdialog('Enter a matrix',... labelsv, labelsh, default_input_matrix)
sz = [10,10]; default_input_matrix = "%"+string(rand(sz(1), sz(2)) > 0.5); labelsv = string(1:sz(1)); labelsh = string(1:sz(2)); rep = x_mdialog('Enter a boolean matrix', labelsv, labelsh, default_input_matrix)
cred = x_mdialog("Enter your credentials", ["Usernane:"; "Password:"],["scilab"; "scilabpassword"],[%f; %t])
See also
Версия | Описание |
2025.0.0 | ispassword parameter added. |
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