Dialog for interactive multi-lines input.
result = x_dialog(labels, valueini) result = x_dialog(labels, valueini, ispassword)
- labels
column vector of strings, comment for dialog
- valueini
n column vector of strings, initial value suggested
- ispassword
Boolean scalar: when
, this dialog will be used to get a password, the characters typed by the user will be hidden and returned value will contains a single string. Default value is%F
.- result
User answer: n column vector of strings if returned with "Ok" button or [] if returned with "Cancel" button
Opens a dialog for interactive multi-lines input.
gain=evstr(x_dialog('Value of gain ?','0.235')) x_dialog(['Method';'Enter sampling period'],'1') m=evstr(x_dialog('Enter a 3x3 matrix',['[0 0 0';'0 0 0';'0 0 0]']))
passwd = x_dialog("Enter your password:","scilab", %t)
See also
Версия | Описание |
2025.0.0 | ispassword parameter added. |
Report an issue | ||
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