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Converts a Scilab object into some corresponding LaTeX, TeX, MathML or HTML strings


str = prettyprint(a)
str = prettyprint(a, exportFormat)
str = prettyprint(a, exportFormat, delimiter)
str = prettyprint(a, exportFormat, delimiter, processByElement)
str = prettyprint(a, exportFormat, delimiter, processByElement, isWrapped)



a Scilab object.

  • Supported types: booleans, encoded integers, real or complex numbers, polynomials and rationals with real or complex coefficients, strings, cells, linear dynamical systems (as generated with syslin()), other Tlists.
  • Supported sizes: scalar, vector, matrix. Hypermatrices are not supported (only the first page is processed.)


is the output format. Possible case-insensitive values are 'latex' (default), 'tex', 'mathml', 'html', or 'html4'.


is a string indicating the delimiter type to bracket the whole resulting matrix. It is only used if processByElement is false. It can be '(' (default), '{', '[', '|', '||', or '' if no bracketing is required.

In HTML, the '_' delimiter value can be used to format the input matrix without delimiter but with cells borders.

Delimiters used for the components defining a linear dynamical system are always "(" and ")", even with delimiter="", unless exportFormat="html4" is used: Then, "|" is imposed as inner syslin delimiter. This is useful when the result must be rendered in a Scilab GUI like messagebox(), that supports only a restricted version of HTML.4


is a boolean: If set to %f (default), the result str is a single string representing the whole input matrix. Otherwise, str has as many elements as the input matrix a.


is a boolean to indicate if the result must be wrapped inside technical delimiters. The default value is %T (true). The delimiters depend on the export format. It is

  • '$' for latex and tex
  • nothing for mathml
  • for HTML:

    • nothing if processByElement is %T ;
    • or the opening tag <table valign="middle" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" ..> otherwise. Note that the "</table>" closure is then always included, even if isWrapped is %F. This allows to fully customize the table style and attributes, instead of using the default ones.


a single string (if processByElement is %F), or a matrix of strings otherwise (with size(str)==size(a)): the representation of the input object a.


prettyprint() provides a formatted representation of a Scilab object. The format can be TeX, LaTeX, MathML, or HTML.

The result can be used in third party applications, or within Scilab: Almost all graphic functions requiring or accepting some text input support it as LaTeX expressions (see Scilab graphic features).

In addition, some GUI features accept and render HTML inputs. The special export format 'html4' must be used to display linear dynamical systems in a Scilab GUI like messagebox().

When an array of cells includes some matrices or other arrays, the same chosen delimiters are used for the cells array and for its elements that are also arrays.

The output format of all decimal numbers included in the input object is driven by the format() function.

Rendering some MathML or/and LaTeX codes in a HTML page:

Only the Firefox web browser supports natively the <math> MathML tag, that can embed some mathML code, and renders it.

To render MathML code in any web browser,

  • put the following HTML instruction only once before the first use of <math>: <script src='' async/>. This is typically done in the <head>..</head> section of the HTML page.
  • put every set of MathML instructions between <math>..</math>.

The same <script..> instruction declaring the MathJax package can be used to parse and render LaTeX expressions directly written in the HTML code, embedded between \[ ..\] brackets instead of <math>..</math>.

Hence, the HTML code of a page can mix some LaTeX and MathML instructions that will be parsed and rendered accordingly.

Please see examples provided in the dedicated section below.


str = prettyprint(rand(3,3)) // Return the LaTeX representation of a 3,3 matrix
xstring(0.2,0.2,str) // Show the representation in a graphic Windows

prettyprint(rand(3,4),"mathml") // Return the MathML representation of a 3,4 matrix
prettyprint(rand(3,4),"mathml","[") // Return the MathML representation of a 3,4 matrix with '[' as delimiter

s=poly(0,'s'); G=[1,s;1+s^2,3*s^3];
xstring(0.2,0.2,prettyprint(G*s-1)); // Show a polynomial through a LaTeX representation

Set of objects to be defined before using them in all next examples:

bool = [ %t %t ; %f %t ]
i16 = int16([
  26595  1212  4257 -4466  9784
  -4226  3404  5743    3  10032
  30471     6 14918  267     30 ])
num = [-123.45, %inf, 5.427e-123
        %nan  ,  0  , -%inf ]
cx = [complex(1,%nan), complex(-1.25d-12, 2)
      complex(%inf,6.1e167), complex(1,-%inf)]
p  = [[0*%z ; %z], (%i-%z).^[1 3;2 4]]; string(p)
text = ["André''s got 50% of 1430 $, & the ""remainder"" 1 month later."
        "x=A\B is such that A*x=B, with A in {a<b, 1-a, ~a, ^a}. _#"]
ce = {["a b"; "cdefg"], %t, %z./[%z-1, %z^2+1] ; (1-%s)^3, %pi, int8(rand(2,3)*200)}

A = grand(3,3,"uin",-999,999)/100;
B = grand(3,2,"uin",-999,999)/100;
C = grand(2,3,"uin",-999,999)/100;
linsys = syslin("c", A, B, C);

L = list("Booleans:", bool, "int16:", i16, "Decimal numbers:", num, ..
         "Complex numbers:", cx, "Polynomials:", p, "Text:", text, ..
         "Cells array, embedding rationals:", ce, "Linear dynamical system:");
--> bool = [ %t %t; %f %t ];
 bool  =
  T T
  F T

--> i16 = int16([
  >   26595  1212  4257 -4466  9784
  >   -4226  3404  5743    3  10032
  >   30471     6 14918  267     30 ])
 i16  =
  26595  1212  4257 -4466  9784
 -4226  3404  5743    3  10032
  30471    6  14918  267    30

--> num = [-123.45, %inf, 5.427e-123
  >         %nan  ,  0  , -%inf ]
 num  =
  -123.45   Inf   0.
   Nan      0.   -Inf

--> cx = [complex(1,%nan), complex(-1.25d-12, 2)
  >       complex(%inf,6.1e167), complex(1,-%inf)]
 cx  =
   1. + Nani         -1.250D-12 + 2.i
   Inf + 6.10D+167i   1. - Infi

--> p  = [[0*%z ; %z], (%i-%z).^[1 3;2 4]]; string(p)
 ans  =
!                                 2   3      !
!0  i - z           - i + 3z + 3iz - z       !
!                                            !
!                2              2     3   4  !
!z  - 1 - 2iz + z   1 + 4iz - 6z - 4iz + z   !

--> text = ["André''s got 50% of 1430 $, & the ""remainder"" 1 month later."
  >         "x=A\B is such that A*x=B, with A in {a<b, 1-a, ~a, ^a}. _#"]
 text  =
!André's got 50% of 1430 $, & the "remainder" 1 month later.  !
!x=A\B is such that A*x=B, with A in {a<b, 1-a, ~a, ^a}. _#   !

--> ce = makecell([2 3],["a b"; "cdefg"], %t, %z./[%z-1, %z^2+1], ..
                        (1-%s)^3, %pi, int8(rand(2,3)*200))
 ce  =
  [2x1 string    ]  [1x1 boolean ]  [    r   ]
  [1x1 polynomial]  [1x1 constant]  [2x3 int8]

Export to LaTeX format:

// Please run the first example section to define objects to be converted,
// before executing this section.
prettyprint(bool, "latex")
prettyprint(i16, "latex")
prettyprint(num, "latex")
prettyprint(cx, "latex")
prettyprint(p, "latex")
prettyprint(text, "latex")
prettyprint(ce, "latex")
prettyprint(linsys, "latex", "")
--> prettyprint(bool, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}T&T\cr F&T\cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(i16, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}26595&1212&4257&-4466&9784\cr -4226&3404&5743&3&10032\cr 3047
 1&6&14918&267&30\cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(num, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}-123.45&{\infty}&5.43\!\times\!10^{-123}\cr {\mathrm{NaN}}&0&
 {-\infty}\cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(cx, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}1+{\mathrm{NaN}}i&-1.250\!\times\!10^{-12}+2i\cr {\infty}+6.1
 0\!\times\!10^{167}i&1{-\infty}i\cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(p, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}0z&i-z &-i+3z +3iz^{2} -z^{3} \cr z &-1-2iz +z^{2} &1+4iz -6z
 ^{2} -4iz^{3} +z^{4} \cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(text, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}\mathsf{\text{André's got 50\% of 1430 \$, \& the "remainder"
  1 month later.}}\cr \mathsf{\text{x=A\backslash\!B is such that A*x=B, with A
  in \{a\!<\!b, 1-a, \sim\!a, \^\;\,a\}. _#}}\cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(ce, "latex")
 ans  =
 ${\begin{pmatrix}{\begin{pmatrix}\mathsf{\text{a b}}\cr \mathsf{\text{cdefg}}\
 cr \end{pmatrix}}&T&{\begin{pmatrix}{\frac{z }{-1+z }}&{\frac{z }{1+z^{2} }}\c
 r \end{pmatrix}}\cr 1-3s +3s^{2} -s^{3} &3.1415927&{\begin{pmatrix}51&23&-121\
 cr 125&122&66\cr \end{pmatrix}}\cr \end{pmatrix}}$

--> prettyprint(linsys, "latex", "")
 ans  =
 .94&-1.21\cr 6.65&-6.92&2.83\cr 2.49&2.7&0.34\cr \end{pmatrix}} X(t)+{\begin{p
 matrix}-0.11&-8.3\cr 1.84&7.45\cr -4.93&-1.35\cr \end{pmatrix}}U(t)\cr Y(t) &=
 & {\begin{pmatrix}5.45&5.61&0.94\cr -5.82&5.41&0.14\cr \end{pmatrix}} X(t) \en
 d{array}\right.}\cr \end{matrix}}$

Export to LaTeX and rendering in a graphic figure:

// Please run the first example section to define objects to be converted,
// before executing this section.
y = 1.;
gcf().axes_size = [500 670];
gca().margins = 0.01*[1 1 1 1];
for obj = L
    if type(obj)<>10 | part(obj,$)<>":"
        obj = prettyprint(obj, "latex");
    r = stringbox(obj, 0, 0);
    y = y - strange(r(2,:))-0.015;
    xstring(0.1, y, obj);
obj = prettyprint(linsys,"latex","")
y = y - strange(stringbox(obj, 0, 0)(2,:))-0.02;
xstring(0.1, y, obj);
set(gca().children, "fractional_font","on", "font_size",2.5);

Export to LaTeX and rendering in a HTML.5 page for any web browser, using MathJax:

// Please run the first example section to define objects to be converted,
// before executing this section.
// Header:
mathjaxURL = ""
html = ["<!doctype html>"
        "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html;charset=UTF-8"">"
        "<script src=''" + mathjaxURL + "'' async></script>"
        "<!-- then any LaTeX expression delimited with \[ .. \] will be rendered -->"
// List of objects:
for obj = L
    if type(obj)<>10 | part(obj,$)<>":"
        obj = prettyprint(obj, "latex", "(", %f, %f);
        html = [html ; "\[ "+ obj + "\]" ; "<br/>"];
        html = [html ; obj + " <br/>"];
html = [html ; "\[ "+ prettyprint(linsys, "latex", "") + "\]<br/><br/>"];
// Footer:
html = [html ; "</body>" ; "</html>"];
File = TMPDIR + filesep() + "prettyprint_mathjax.html"
mputl(html, File);

edit(File)     // See the HTML code
winopen(File)  // Display the page in your browser

Please note that for string input, the protection needed for some special LaTeX characters is displayed as is by MathJax:

MathML: Exporting Scilab objects into MathML, and rendering them in a HTML page using the <math> tag. We still use MathJax to render the code in any web browser:

// Please run the first example section to define objects to be converted,
// before executing this section.
// Header:
mathjaxURL = ""
html = ["<!doctype html>"
        "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html;charset=UTF-8"">"
        "<script src=''" + mathjaxURL + "'' async></script>"
        "<!-- then any MathML expression embedded in <math>..</math> will be rendered -->"
// List of objects:
for obj = L
    if type(obj)<>10 | part(obj,$)<>":"
        obj = prettyprint(obj, "mathml", "(", %f, %f);
        html = [html ; "<math>" ; obj ; "</math><br/><br/>"];
        html = [html ; obj + " <br/>"];
html = [html ; "<math>" ; prettyprint(linsys, "mathml", "") ; "</math>"];
// Footer:
html = [html ; "</body>" ; "</html>"];
File = TMPDIR + filesep() + "prettyprint_mathML.html"
mputl(html, File);

editor(File)   // See the HTML and MathML code
winopen(File)  // Render the page in your browser

Export in HTML(4) for rendering in messagebox(): Only the "|" or "||" delimiters can be used (or "" for no delimiter"). In addition, "_" is used in HTML mode to get any table with borders:

// Please run the first example section to define objects to be converted,
// before executing this section.
// Header:
html = ["<!doctype html>"
        "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html;charset=UTF-8"">"
// List of objects:
if type(L($)) == 10, L($+1) = linsys; end
for obj = L
    if type(obj)<>10 | part(obj,$)<>":"
        obj = prettyprint(obj, "html4", "|");
        html = [html ; obj ; "<br/><br/>"];
        html = [html ; obj + " <br/>"];
// Footer:
html = [html ; "</body>" ; "</html>"];
// Display:
messagebox(html, "prettyprint() test => messagebox(HTML.4)");

Rendering in a messagebox():

Still in HTML, using "_" to get table borders:

// Please run the first example section to define i16, before executing this section.

messagebox(["The table is:" ; "<br>" ; prettyprint(i16,"html","_")])

See also


5.2.0 Function introduced.
6.1.0 Export to HTML added.
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:53 CEST 2024