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2025.0.0 - Português


comprimentos do início dos textos, desde que os caracteres estejam entre os permitidos

Seqüência de Chamamento

headsLengths = strspn(Strings, allowedChars)


Strings, allowedChars

Matrices of strings, of identical dimensions. allowedChars can be a scalar string. It is then used for all Strings components.


Matrix of positive real integers, of the size of Strings: lengths of the selected Strings heads.


headsLengths = strspn(Strings, allowedChars) retorna o comprimento da porção inicial de Strings que consiste apenas de caracteres que fazem parte de allowedChars.


allowed = "0":"9"
strspn("129th or the 130th", allowed)

t = ["characters" "matrix" ; "text" "strings"]
allowed = "a":"s"
strspn(t, allowed)

allowed = ["a":"j", "a":"u" ; "d":"u", "g":"v"]
strspn(t, allowed)
--> allowed = "0":"9"
 allowed  =

--> strspn("129th or the 130th", allowed)
 ans  =

--> t = ["characters" "matrix" ; "text" "strings"]
 t  =
  "characters"  "matrix"
  "text"        "strings"

--> allowed = "a":"s"
 allowed  =
--> strspn(t, allowed)
 ans  =
   6.   2.
   0.   1.

--> allowed = ["a":"j", "a":"u" ; "d":"u", "g":"v"]
 allowed  =
  "abcdefghij"          "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"
  "defghijklmnopqrstu"  "ghijklmnopqrstuv"

--> strspn(t, allowed)
 ans  =
   3.   5.
   2.   7.

With UTF-8 extended characters:

t = "Να αμφιβάλλετε τα πάντα ή να μην αμφιβάλλετε τίποτα: " + ..
    "δύο ίσοι τρόποι αποφυγής σκέψης.";
t = matrix(strsplit(t," "), 2,-1)
allowed = "Ναβγδεϵζηθικλμνξοπρστυφϕχψωϐϑϰϱςϖ";
strspn(t, allowed)
--> t = matrix(strsplit(t," "), 2,-1)
 t  =
  "Να"           "τα"     "ή"   "μην"          "τίποτα:"  "ίσοι"    "αποφυγής"
  "αμφιβάλλετε"  "πάντα"  "να"  "αμφιβάλλετε"  "δύο"      "τρόποι"  "σκέψης."

--> allowed = "Ναβγδεϵζηθικλμνξοπρστυφϕχψωϐϑϰϱςϖ";
--> strspn(t, allowed)
 ans  =
   2.   2.   0.   3.   1.   0.   6.
   5.   1.   2.   5.   1.   2.   2.

Ver Também

  • strcspn — comprimentos do início dos textos até que um caractere entre aqueles proibidos
  • strncpy — Obtém e fornece os N primeiros caracteres dos textos fornecidos
  • part — extração de strings
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Last updated:
Thu Oct 24 11:16:53 CEST 2024